Scene Zero - 004

Dan on April 13, 2008

Oh my, what does Dr. Droite see that makes him so surprised? How did I come up with the name “Kaggs?” Why are the names I create start off nice and get more silly time after time? Why don't I ever plan ahead? Life would be so much easier if we were patient enough to be more readily organized. But… yeah, there's no way life can be facilitated.

Well, all I can say is that I'm no good when it comes to doing discussion panels while still trying to make it interesting. But I do try and tested different setups for the panels. One thing I'm comfortable is with backgrounds- fortunately I have materials to actually create a background using parts from several games in case the premade ones just don't cut it.

Also, here's another chit-chat about SkyGunner. The targeting system- it's seriously frustrating under right conditions when you're trying to lock on targets. Apparently the targeting works by scrolling through units in specific order and not the one on screen, unless you're close enough. But most of the time you'll be such a hurry that by the time you finally select target you WANT to destroy you might have to make a U-turn again. And U-turn takes time and time is money (Or score, whichever you prefer). I wonder why they didn't use right analog stick to rotate camera angles like in Ace Combat series as well.

Spring break's over. It was fun, but back to school. Back to Algebra II. Back to Graphic Design. Back to World History. Back to AP-Track Language Arts. Back to Spanish I. Back to Chemistry. Back to work- at least I'm fast enough to finish all homework at school in most cases.

-Entry processed on April 13, 2008-