Pg 02: First Impressions

Azaeziel on Aug. 7, 2007

Hello! Here it is! The new page of Saturday Knights! Isn't it so beautiful? Waxnegoddess is getting better at this coloring thing. Now if only I could get better at that whole drawing thing, all would be good! heheheh…

In other news, Waxengoddess has some character designs in Lace's Digital Desire Character Creation Contest! (So do I, but that's a different story.) Go there, vote for Waxengoddess (or Me, I won't mind), and let Lace know that you like her comics too!

Yay new pages!

Thank you for reading, and please leave comments letting us know what we are doing good, and what we are doing bad. M'Kay?

(Waxengoddess is tired from spending all day working with chocolate for her friends wedding… Mmmmm… Chocolate!)