Star Strip Issue 1 page 13

bravo1102 on Sept. 10, 2014

Third page for this week! I'm currently working on page 19 so even at three pages a week I'm two weeks ahead.

This page introduces a new setting and intoduces some new characters. It's a Grey Guy and Gal! And who's that watching them? Could it be some guy from that ship in orbit in the first panel? Or is he just a red herring looking for a little devil headed fortune telling machine?
The planet Genelcoon is named for Gene L. Coon who produced and did much of the writing and re-writing on ST: TOS.
As established in Battle of the Robofemoids Grey Guys and Gals are supposed to be generic and interchangeable humans. So the resemblance to Hank and Babs from Battle of the Robofemoids is only to be expected of members of their subspecies. They all look alike, I mean they really do all look alike. So generic, but then that was the point.