The Cherub Brothers: Chapter 3.3

Magor on April 25, 2018

there was some more things i wanted to type up here. but nani is going a bit more into her home life, though she's holding back a wee bit since she's still uneasy with corey. he's not a threat but there's got to be a reason why she's nervous about telling him why she's here in the first place. it does involve sun and zel.

on another note i've been observing the kids i teach and how they're more open with various issues like depression, self harm, and lgbtqa stuff. when i was growing up (more so art teachers and English teachers, and those who babysat kids) they had a tendency to be mroe abusive and quicker to medicate kids who just needed someone to talk to without judgement. lately I've been having more kids going into my class open to talk about these things and their crazy home lives. which is so crazy and similar to what i kind of grew up with. you hear this and you have other teachers who are emotionally bankrupt and get weird about kids drawing scary shit or guns.

there was more but i'm just too tired i'm sorry.