The Cherub Brothers: Chapter 3.4

Magor on May 2, 2018

Nani is doing her best to tell her story without revealing what she is (clairvoyant) i'm trying to have others kind of sympathize with her having a guardian who didn't quite get the whole thing and blaming her and her mother for his actions in his life. i think a lifetime of having that it's natural to be defensive and apprehensive on things.

i had most of cherubs written almsot two years prior and since it qwas written in a difficult time with friends and whatnot it's still relevant.

i know i have friends and students who read this and sometimes i can get a bit personal with things going on. All i can say is that things do have a weird way of working out and no matter how or what goes on never be afraid to call out those you love and care out if it's hurting you, them or both. Stepping back and realizing too your words and how sometimes you are so afraid of going through terrible things again you accuse those of those actions you don't realize what you become. and i've seen it play out over and over through my 26 years of life and see it work out, or not. because you can't dictate someone's life but you can help them realize what they are becoming and be forgiving life it so short for little things and grudges and being angry all the time it's not worth it. but of course you don't become a mat for people to step on you.

i say this too because this type of thing becomes relevant for cherubs. cherubs us amix of things that's happened and other things many can relate to. i hope you all have a great evening.