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So... why that name?
subcultured at 3:30PM, March 19, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
Aw, mine is dorky.

A long, long time ago, I used to run a Sailor Moon mailing list on AOL with a friend of mine. (I know. I know.) We wanted our screen names to match characters from the show, and I wanted “Tin Kitty” but it was taken (the horror!). I still wanted some form of “kitty”, and I figured, I am a very quiet person, so I tagged “silent” onto it and there you have it. I've been using the name for pretty much everything intarweb-related ever since.

hahaha dork =P

/subcultured used to watch sailormoon long time ago cause he didn't have any access to other animes. and he liked the way they transform all nakedy
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Hero at 6:46PM, March 19, 2007
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
I chose Hero not after the concept of some protector or legendary warrior, but after Hero of Alexandria, the Greek Mathmetician Engineer. I wanted to choose the name of an inventor as I fancy myself a madman of pseudo-science despite my crippling math abillities and Hero is pretty nifty. I also happen to be a big fan of old Dial “H” for Hero comics and dig Gil Scott Heron, the poet and revolutionary.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:47PM
SpANG at 7:00PM, March 19, 2007
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
I'm a sound effect. ;)
“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
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Kota at 7:33PM, March 19, 2007
posts: 87
joined: 1-4-2006
Kota: Kevin Of The Apocalypse.
Changed it to Keith Of The Apocalypse for my original comic. Simple as that.
Kota Otan
Kota's World: Broadband
“If Jeff Bridges is stupid enough to do this, I'M stupid enough to do this!”
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:21PM
Darwin at 10:27PM, March 19, 2007
posts: 617
joined: 4-25-2006
Ack I am sooooo dating myself here…

When I was in Junior High School many of my friends were into Star Wars (up to Empire Strikes Back at the time). They were so into it they even had a club. Me? Yeah I wanted to join…had to take a test and everything on Star Wars Trivia.

Oh the other stipulation was that you had to have an alias, a club name…

At the time I was very heavy into the idea of Darwin's Theory of Evolution…loved the idea…so I decided that would be a cool to have as an alias for that Star Wars club.

I won't tell you just how geeky that got…it was pretty fun and very funny, and I think it accelerated my ability to use my imagination and to write it on paper.

Anyway, when I started making myself known on the internet in more recent years I resurected my old Alias. It is a very ambiguous name, one that can be either male or female, and at the time I was very much about anonymity. Not so big a deal now, but at the time I didn't want my gender to be known.

It works trust me…LOL!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:08PM
Ozoneocean at 1:32AM, March 20, 2007
posts: 28,819
joined: 1-2-2004
Ack I am sooooo dating myself here…
That requires cloning!
I'm sure it's quite immoral too o_O
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:26PM
F_Allen at 6:29AM, March 20, 2007
posts: 147
joined: 1-10-2007

its just my name. looks a little like fallen which would be nerdy. Francis Louis Allen simple.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:32PM
j giar at 9:51AM, March 20, 2007
posts: 63
joined: 9-28-2006
I was to lazy to type out I shortened it!

“Sometimes to get to the bottom of something, you have to kill your way to the top.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:05PM
mechanical_lullaby at 10:02AM, March 20, 2007
posts: 1,903
joined: 1-7-2006
I have a music machine that's actually a bell that had its bell-y organs sucked out and replaced with clockwork. Its ghostly sounds used to help me get to sleep when I was younger. Now I don't know where it is. :cry2: And I wish I could find it.

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:56PM
Neilsama at 12:54PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 437
joined: 1-2-2006
Mine is basically an indication that I watch way too much anime.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:10PM
bongotezz at 2:29PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 448
joined: 2-13-2007
when i first signed up for AOL i met someone on line named bongotez. she was cool but known for changing her screen name a lot to ditch stalkers. she would email her new name to the people she wanted to know it. one day she emailed me saying that bongotez was no longer her name and she included her new screen name. me, being the insane person i was, kept asking her where bongo was. she kept saying that bongo was dead. so, me, being the insane person i was, tried picking the user name bongotez. i was not allowed to have it for 6 months after she deleted the name. so, in order to mess with her in a more timly manner i chose bongotezz with an extra Z. i would IM her saying that i'm not dead and she should stop saying that. she knew instantly who i was. i was like “dammit”. and we both laughed. i kept using that name cause the other one i had sucked and when i started signing up for stuff on line it was hard to find a screen name that wasn't taken and didn't have numbers after it so i started using bongotezz for everything. i like the name and it's always available. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:32AM
Darwin at 4:14PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 617
joined: 4-25-2006
Ack I am sooooo dating myself here…
That requires cloning!
I'm sure it's quite immoral too o_O

I knew SOMEONE was going to say that!…it figures it would be you Ozone.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:08PM
subcultured at 4:26PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
i was thinking the same thing when i read it
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:01PM
Hyptosis at 6:20PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 130
joined: 5-11-2006
Haha, cool stuff everyone. My name comes from my days of playing muds. My character got caught in a well, and no one would help him out by lowering me a rope. So I made a second character from a random word on a random page in a dictionary. Hyptosis. Lowered the rope, got my guy out. Everyone talked to me more as Hyptosis and it stuck. Wish something cool would have stuck. =] My character's name was Aura, way cooler than Hyptosis. =\

Later found out Hyptosis is a medical word meaning ‘coughed up blood’. Nice eh? Oh well.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:53PM
The mediocre one at 8:08PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 846
joined: 1-15-2006
Well my name evolved sort of, my real name is Alex, and when we went over Alexander the great in history I started calling myself Alexander the Mediocre (a self-confidence issue, bleh.) Then when I wanted something different when I signed onto DD I thought for a bit, and referred to myself in the third person, the mediocre one.
Kinda lame when I think about it.
Paper Mache Cataclysm
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:15PM
Stain at 9:32PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 1,869
joined: 2-4-2006
My real name being Austin, some of my friends started to call me “Stin” for short. I put the A in there and turned into Stain.
Dirk Zephyrs
Stain is also pretty hot.
Lawl @ Homosexuality

K.A.L.A.-dan! Trap!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:56PM
Captain Jim at 9:44PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 246
joined: 6-22-2006
My real name being Austin,people often wonder where the “Jim” came from.

Well,a long while back,I was trying to sign up for a forum,but every name I wanted wouldn't go through.So I started making throw-away names. Mr_Bobart,IM_A_BISCOTTI,etc. But then,one went through….Captain_Jim.It…it grew on me.I like to be reffered to as Jim on the net (an sometimes in real life),and there's a character based on me named Jim on the web-manga Gravity (gravitymanga. com)

So yeah. THAR JOO GO
<—- This image is broken, but I support Riot

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:36AM
Darwin at 10:38PM, March 20, 2007
posts: 617
joined: 4-25-2006
i was thinking the same thing when i read it

I should have gone with my instincts and reworded that! LOL been in the Navy long enough to know better…
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:08PM
Will at 2:30AM, March 21, 2007
posts: 383
joined: 2-10-2007
well… i am probably the only person in the world who is obsessive compulsive for nothing but internet usernames…

i can never pick a username. i actually have half an A4 book filled with ideas for names… and have used like 40 differant names in my life. the problem is, i can spend a whole weekend trying to think up a username, use it, then decide it is either:

too nerdy
too tryhard
too stupid (numbers or misspellings)
too fantasy orientated (cassiel, lord of the rings type names, the names that WOW magically creates

or something trivial like that, which will end up with me deleting the name to make a new one…

the only problem is… when i do pick a name that i actually really really like, it is already taken on whatever i want to sign up on. it makes meh so mad…

i also get pissed off when ill sign up for something, then sign up on something else with the same username and find that its taken… this once prompted me to delete my name on the previous thing to keep one name… its no use though… i still use like 30-40 diferant names over the net…

when i do try and choose a name though, i like running it through my head as a animated logo title sequence and see how cool it is… still doesnt really help but is fun :D

i think i am too sef cunsious of what people think of my names… its just usernames say a lot about what type of person you are and can make a great deal of differance when talking on the net. on DD, i just used “Will” because its my name and its available, i know that since its my real name i can never prompt myself to change it for being “uncool” or gay or crap or tryhard…

still, i really wish i could think up a name that there is no chance anyone else could take, sounds cool and doesnt include any numbers… but as i said… i am obsessive compulsive and probably will never decide on one i like… its really crap, i spend sleepless nights trying to think up a good name i swear to God…

thinking up actual “character” names is great fun however, as you can use fantasy names without looking tryhard and you dont have to worry about them being taken :D

below is a list of usernames i have used in the past and why i do not use them anymore:

gunshafted (got from the pungee pits in tony hawks): innuendo

pewterblue (just baked and was imagining colours :D): its just random and stupid

Damarus (Unreal 2004): too tryhard

Greyscale: i didnt like the fact that it can be spelt two differant ways, as this could cause confusion if i was saying it to friends… and besides it is taken in lots of places

CellarDoor: taken in lots of places

Numenos: a name i thought was completely original, but apparently meant something in latin and no site would tell me what… no i got scared and left it… the .com url was taken anyway :P

EMH: the story behind this is that it stands for Emergancy Medical hologram from star trek voyager, the story is that the EMH couldnt think of a name for himself… since he was picky as i am, it seemed perfect to take it and use it as a name… but again it was taken and stood for something else aswell

Dreadnaught: taken in lots of places

Sidriel: not sure of story behind it… but its too trycard

Cassiel: i really love this name, and didnt really care that it was tryhard… but even though its a guys name… its listed under must babyname sites as a girls name… so i didnt take the risk…

Horribilis: this is the French name for that mivie “Slither”, but i figured it was too tryhardy and would have been used a lot

Beowulf: too tryhardy… taken alot

Paracelsus: if memory serves me correctly this is the name of a wizard in fantasy history… cool name in my opinion but was too tryhardy to use on the sites i went on at that time

Fafnir: the name of a dragon in an old greek myth (at least i think it was greek) i do like it but i… dont… if that makes any sence…

Ganymede: taken in too many places

High Noon: besically means “the ultimate challenge”, but decided against it as it seemed a little to strange as a username… even for gaming…

Silpheed: dont know where from, but too girly

Desrook: like the name, but taken too many places

Agamemnon: like name, taken

Okuninushi: not sure of story… never actually tried it before on anything… so nothing really against this name, just implies that i'm japanese when im not

Razorfox: like the name.. but a little too girly, and it was also my neighbors name and i was terrified he would find out sooner or later that i was stealing it :S

thats about it… sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammer, cant be bothered to check all that :P

edit: what names do you guys like? do you think i was wrong to judge any of these as tryhard?

putting your own quote into your sig is the post pretentious and pathetic thing anyone could ever do.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:49PM
Locoma at 10:13AM, March 21, 2007
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
my name is matt, my primary language is spanish
loco = spanish for “crazy”

although many people remember me as Lacoma, so I now wonder what Lacoma is…
maybe I'm a specialist in hard to remember nicknames. I once used “tomodolon” and I couln't even remember it the day before using it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
LowResAtari at 10:50AM, March 21, 2007
posts: 1,589
joined: 1-8-2006
Alright… so…

Back when I started using the internet regularly, I was the type who was constantly changing my name because I was indecisive on what I wanted to be called and whatnot.

I've had so many other names before LowResAtari… lifestream, FlamingNinja, and BoyOnAString to name a few old ones… but they never once seemed to click and back in those days…

I used to be a spoiled rotten jerk (my father was a doctor, and therefore… I was a rich snob >_>; ) so… I'd end up changing my name to avoid all the people that hated me at the time.

Time passed… father passed away… went through a bunch of weird crap… I became a nice guy and one day I decided to create a new and permanent internet name for myself.

Me… being one of the most indecisive people on the planet… could not decide on anything at all, as I sat there on the input screen for my yahoo mail account.

I started looking around the room frantically and a tried a whole bunch of crap to use as my name (PopRocks, BrokenWatch, and PitDroid were a few that came to mind for some reason) but nothing seemed to speak to my own interests.

Looked over and saw my Atari… and I thought even harder as to what could turn “Atari” into an internet-esque name. Thought about the low-resolution graphics of the Atari… so I added Low-Rez to it and it looked like Low-Rez-Atari.

I pressed enter and it didn't want to accept the dashes in the name for some reason (something about my keyboard or something methinks) so retyped it, and mis-typed the “z” as an “s” and I started freaking out when it told me I was LowResAtari instead of LowRezAtari.

After a while I realised the “s” looked better, so I kept it… and I now use the name on just about every site I use, since it's so unique that noone else uses it ANYWHERE (convenient, eh? XP)
99% of people would've finished this sente
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:48PM
strong414bad at 11:55AM, March 21, 2007
posts: 1,113
joined: 9-29-2006 birthdate = strong414bad.
Why hello there.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:59PM
ShadowsMyst at 1:15PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 218
joined: 1-9-2006
I've had several internet nicknames. My current one, ShadowsMyst, comes from the fact that I lurk a lot ‘in the shadows’ as it were, and I appear and disappear frequently, like fog. But Shadowfog doesn't sound nearly as cool as shadowmist. Of course shadowmist was taken on hotmail, so I tried variations. Shadowmyst was also taken, although that was the first variation of my name that people still use sometimes. I ended up with shadows_myst as my hotmail address, which got the underscore taken out of to make ShadowsMyst. It gets shortened to “Myst” most of the time, which people call me IRL. Fortunately, not many people use the variant of my name, so I tend to get it in most places. The only exceptions are yahoo and and AOL, where I am lady_shadowmyst and purdykittygirl respectively. :p

Other nicknames I've had:
Alouzon DragonMaster - From a novel
Pyrianna Flamedancer - RP character from a chatroom
Zuri - Swahili for ‘kindness’

I have a webcomic making blog! Check it out.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
Eviltwinpixie at 1:54PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 426
joined: 3-6-2006
This is what I love about usernames. ^_^ Some people just throw in the first thing they think of, and other people agonise over trying to find the right name, and others still choose something that's very personally significant. It's just all about how you want to represent yourself online.

People are so interesting. ^_^

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:24PM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 5:09PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006
my name is matt, my primary language is spanish
loco = spanish for “crazy”

although many people remember me as Lacoma, so I now wonder what Lacoma is…
maybe I'm a specialist in hard to remember nicknames. I once used “tomodolon” and I couln't even remember it the day before using it.

Locoma kinda sounds like glaucoma… hehe… which according to is “abnormally high fluid pressure in the eye, most commonly caused either by blockage of the channel through which aqueous humor drains ”

well, MY name… hmm…. can't remember where I got it from.

I used to use KSqueaker as my username for everything because that's my sn on aim, but… well, I made that sn when I was in like 4th grade, and it's named after my dog… who has since DIED… so I thought it would be a tad too morbid to name myself after a dead dog.
Also, I wanna be FAMOUS!!!! And this is my current grassroots endeavour. (just wait, guys. You'll hear my name popping up in the future… on the NEWS!! wow!)
so that's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:22PM
subcultured at 5:14PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
are you gonna kill somebody?
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:01PM
Green_Tangerine at 11:40PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 420
joined: 1-3-2006
When I was younger, my mom bought a box of really underripe christmas oranges and I believe it was my dad who said “I've had it with these green tangerines!” I liked the way it sounded.

After the first time the Duck went down, I restarted under the username Green_Is_Better because I was trying to improve my artwork but still wanted people to kind of remember me. I switched back after the last great crash because I thought Green_Is_Better was too long. Guess Greeen_Tangerine is too long as well, most people on here refer to me as Kris or GT. Yay, nicknames derived from screen names!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:39PM
Fysh at 7:43PM, March 22, 2007
posts: 15
joined: 3-12-2007
I chose Fysh because I'm actually allergic to fish.And “y” is so much cooler than “i”.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:32PM
Black_Kitty at 8:32PM, March 22, 2007
posts: 1,485
joined: 1-1-2006
When I first went on the Internet, my mother insisted I choose a gender neutral name. Being a 13 year old girl, I went to a message board and used my real name. After a while, I figured I should use an alias and instead of using the one my mother thought up for me, I asked the people there what I should use. One guy suggested I pick my favourite animal (I still remember his alias. It was “Eagle.” )

Unfortunately, calling myself a dog wasn't an option. I thought of Mouse because of Reboot but I ended up going with cats. Since I was into magic, horoscopes, etc at the time I figured I would go with a black cat. And since I don't want to be known as Black Cat (like the superheroine) I changed it to Black Kitty.

Ten years ago, that was a good idea. I changed my alias a few times but I always went back to it. Now I'm wondering how professional I would be going around on the Internet calling myself Black Kitty.

Some people call me BK or Beek though. I don't mind that…growing quite fond of Beek actually. :) (I think I once told a chatroom that a guy I used to talk to called me Beek…the pronunciation for “BK.” Name kind of stuck with some people ever since.)

(Hilariously, there's a possibility that I may actually be allergic to cats. Either that or my friend's house.)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:24AM
Captain Jim at 9:57PM, March 22, 2007
posts: 246
joined: 6-22-2006
This is what I love about usernames. ^_^ Some people just throw in the first thing they think of, and other people agonise over trying to find the right name, and others still choose something that's very personally significant. It's just all about how you want to represent yourself online.

People are so interesting. ^_^

And that,Pixie,is why we are fighting Rosencron's EVUL plan and Zac's brainwashed forces of EVIL.
<—- This image is broken, but I support Riot

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:36AM

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