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Unnessasary Noises
RuseBolton at 5:17PM, Jan. 20, 2010
posts: 67
joined: 8-28-2008
Hey Guy's,

To you i pose a question that was asked to me resently, If humans are the only species to make unnessasary noises in the Animal kingdom. A few examples are Humming & whistleing.
The only animal that come's to mind for me is the Cat with it's purring, but only if you consider the cat's pur to indicate contentment(Otherwise could be considered unnessasary), & thus could think that a ‘jolly ’ol whistle' or a hum could be considered to be humans showing contentment(And then may not be considered entirly unnessasary).

Let me know what you think, or can think of so i can stop thinking about it…:whistling:

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:12PM
usedbooks at 6:31PM, Jan. 20, 2010
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I don't think there are any unnecessary noises. All sounds are a form of communication whether conscious or unconscious. Purring is absolutely necessary communication. It is how cats let other cats (or even other animals) know that they are non-threatening. That's why cats purr not only when content or when nursing but also when they are wounded or dying. I read a study that suggests that purring not only communicates to other animals but helps calm the individual making the sound.

Human whistling might be more “natural” than human speech. Speech is often less “necessary” than most other sounds. Especially “small talk.” I suppose most small talk is a way humans let each other know that they are non-confrontational. However, it is unnecessarily complex way of doing so. Other species accomplish the same thing by a tail wag or nod of the head.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:38PM
Ozoneocean at 6:43PM, Jan. 20, 2010
posts: 28,844
joined: 1-2-2004
Let me know what you think, or can think of so i can stop thinking about it…:whistling:
Usedbooks said it well enough. :)

Anyway, I just checked out your profile (as you do). You're Aussie? Join the club man! \^_^/

How many other Aussies here have we got lurking about? This deserves a new thread!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:35PM
RuseBolton at 8:28PM, Jan. 20, 2010
posts: 67
joined: 8-28-2008
I don't think there are any unnecessary noises. All sounds are a form of communication whether conscious or unconscious. Purring is absolutely necessary communication. It is how cats let other cats (or even other animals) know that they are non-threatening. That's why cats purr not only when content or when nursing but also when they are wounded or dying. I read a study that suggests that purring not only communicates to other animals but helps calm the individual making the sound.

Human whistling might be more “natural” than human speech. Speech is often less “necessary” than most other sounds. Especially “small talk.” I suppose most small talk is a way humans let each other know that they are non-confrontational. However, it is unnecessarily complex way of doing so. Other species accomplish the same thing by a tail wag or nod of the head.

Hmm, i must say that yes it was well said, & for that matter well spotted.
I think i may have looked at that a little to latterally. I was more thinking by ‘Unessasary noises’ as in no direct influence. where as say a something direct such as a Mating call, or growling to intimidate rivals/predators/prey etc.
But yes that answer's my question.

Thanks Much.

Anyway, I just checked out your profile (as you do). You're Aussie? Join the club man! \^_^/

How many other Aussies here have we got lurking about? This deserves a new thread!

Yes, we do seem to be few & far between on DD as far as i have found anyway… but i havnt really been looking…
Do we get a secret password or handshake or something if i join this club?:nerd:

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:12PM
Ozoneocean at 8:57PM, Jan. 20, 2010
posts: 28,844
joined: 1-2-2004
Do we get a secret password or handshake or something if i join this club?
Nope. Just beer.
And Vegemite.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:35PM
RuseBolton at 10:28PM, Jan. 20, 2010
posts: 67
joined: 8-28-2008
Do we get a secret password or handshake or something if i join this club?
Nope. Just beer.
And Vegemite.

Sounds to be an interesting concoction, i will at this point accept your chalenge sir.
Schooners at dawn.
Unless your not in the Sydney Region then there could be anything up to a 3 hour difference untill dawn… could be awkward.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:12PM
Ozoneocean at 5:23AM, Jan. 21, 2010
posts: 28,844
joined: 1-2-2004
3 hour difference untill dawn… could be awkward.
That'd be about the size of it. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:35PM
EmilyTheStrange at 6:32AM, Jan. 21, 2010
posts: 155
joined: 1-5-2006
On the humming v. purring issue mentioned in the first post:

Someone told me recently that a house cat's purring isn't a sign of contentment, but rather it's a trait they developed after they were domesticated to manipulate humans to feed them.

I'm not sure if that true or not, I mean, it makes sense, but don't big cats purr too?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:21PM
Ozoneocean at 6:48AM, Jan. 21, 2010
posts: 28,844
joined: 1-2-2004
I'm not sure if that true or not, I mean, it makes sense, but don't big cats purr too?
Yeah, it's not true. Big cats do pur, you're right.

It's likely kittens were purring long before modern humans ever walked the face of the planet.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:35PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 8:58AM, Jan. 21, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
I don't think there are any unnecessary noises. All sounds are a form of communication whether conscious or unconscious.
True but in my opinion some noises are unecessary. I mean I'm sitting in the middle of the college's cafeteria hearing some annoying kid make wierd noises. Eeh! Tchi! and other odd letter combinations. Its only purpose is to get attention which considering he goes around dancing/karate fighting to his ipod music is unnecessary.

Anyway, I just checked out your profile (as you do). You're Aussie? Join the club man! \^_^/

How many other Aussies here have we got lurking about? This deserves a new thread!
Pssh! I've seen more Aussies here than I have Californians on here. There are tons of New Yorkers, Southerners and East Coasters. Where are my fellow Californians?! Our population is higher than Australia and they are beating us?! D:

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:18PM
HippieVan at 2:19PM, Jan. 21, 2010
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
I don't think there are any unnecessary noises. All sounds are a form of communication whether conscious or unconscious. Purring is absolutely necessary communication. It is how cats let other cats (or even other animals) know that they are non-threatening. That's why cats purr not only when content or when nursing but also when they are wounded or dying. I read a study that suggests that purring not only communicates to other animals but helps calm the individual making the sound.

Hmmm…so, when my cat purrs while attacking me, is she indicating that she's just play-fighting or that she's happy to be hurting me? Or both? :P
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:49PM
Stellar at 8:23AM, Jan. 26, 2010
posts: 31
joined: 11-25-2007
Where are my fellow Californians?! Our population is higher than Australia and they are beating us?! D:

Ooohhh nooo we're being beaten =( I hope it's not with the ugly stick. I enjoy being pretty. Native Californian works right, I moved away in my teens XD

Right, noise. ^ That's excess noise =D And people say the music I listen to is noise also. But that's okay, they don't understand ^-^ And if I expected them to understand, the world would probly be a bit more boring.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:58PM
same at 3:10PM, Jan. 26, 2010
posts: 2,514
joined: 8-3-2008
My brother makes noises in his sleep like “unyunyunyunyunyun” i think hes asking for an onion.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:19PM

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