saying no

rmccool on June 9, 2018

the last storm I had came after 18 days with out a day off.. there were other factors but I know overwork leads to a drop off of myself care and the tiredness and lack of time to do things I enjoy tipped me further into the darkness… long hours at a job you like might be different but my job dosent leave me with any feeling of accomplishment or purpose . so I said no..told them I would work just not that many hours .. but its a all or nothing …so I got nothing.. I feel bad cus I got no hours and it was indicated that I was a unreliable and untrustworthy person and not a good worker.. that I had let other workers down..because I said no.. but I think setting myself on fire to keep other people warm would be stupid..working hours I know negatively effect my mental health and lead to suicidal thoughts is also stupid…I need balance… when you say no do you feel better about it latter..