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QUACKCAST Episode 115 - A New Order

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 5, 2013


Skool has temporarily reformed from her evil ways to come onto the Quackcast with Banes and Ozoneocean to talk about some changes to the newsposting and feature schedule.
*Wednesday features - With slightly less traffic to the site we think it’s better to give one feature an entire week’s focus and spotlight to get as much attention as possible, having it on Wednesday makes sense because it’s the middle of the week, Skool and I will both try and give a bit of a take on the week's feature, if not in the blurb, certainly on the Quackcast! And please remember to give us your feature suggestions!
*Monday Newsposts are now Skool’s space: Monday will be her place for posting her unique brand of skoolness…fun, interesting personality blog posts, not just standard news posts necessarily!
Skool is in charge of our Tublr thing, but she also posts a whole lot of her own stuff in her Tumblr accounts. She can bring some of that picture flavoured magic to the newsposts instead to entertain with her personality, give the site more of a face.
*Thursday's newsposts will be Ozoneocean's pale reflection of Skool's magnificent greatness.
*Friday is a normal newsposting day, but we're going to widen what can go up for DD member newsposts! NOT just 25 page milestones. now we'd like you to tell us about uupcoming projects, news about special things like a comic being published, or comic having special coverpages or crossovers or other newsworthy stuff so we can get the word out and advertise your work for you! Even things like New character introductions, Introductions of new comics that’re just starting, Clever ads for long running already established webcomics or related items like comic Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Youtube, twitter accounts etc. As long as it's not spammy we'd like to know about it!

Topics and Show Notes:

Featured comics:
Cave comic DD -

DD Awards Discussion:
The DD awards time is upon us again where comics are awarded for their greatness by the community. But first people have to decide how that will happen. If you want to be a part of the behind the scenes process of the DD awards then you’d better me a part of it now!
Niccea looks to be the head again, but they welcome volunteers and anyone who wants a say on how things should go (at this moment in time).

Crossoverlord Retrospective:
Neil Purcell Says: A bunch of us who did the Crossoverlord got together and recorded a retrospective on the series. We're looking for ways to get the word out, and were hoping you might be able to mention it on the next episode. The video is hosted at YouTube and runs 105 minutes.
Here -
Corssoverlord on DD -
Neil's comic on DD -

Shartopus -



Neilsama at 5:42AM, March 12, 2013

Don't worry about it.

skoolmunkee at 10:44AM, March 8, 2013

Sorry Neil!!! :[

Ozoneocean at 12:37AM, March 8, 2013

Dontcha just hate it when you have 3 different keyboards in front of you and you find you're typing into the wrong one... ANyway, YES, DD is slightly pregnant! And sorry Neil for the mixup!

Neilsama at 10:48PM, March 5, 2013

lol! You guys got yoru wires crossed so much toward then. It sounds like Amanda had CrossoverKILL open when talking about CrossoverLORD. Yeah, they're different comics, although they are related. Crossoverlord features Dead Debbie, Green Avenger, Ultra from Point Guardian, and Mechagical Girl Lisa ANT, in addition to Mindmistress and Dasien. Thanks for plugging the vid. It was a lot of fun making it and even more fun doing the series. If Al has one more crossover in him, there's a good chance Das may show up again.

Gunwallace at 11:00AM, March 5, 2013

"Slightly less"? Is that like being slightly pregnant? These seem like well thought out changes, and will hopefully foster an even stronger sense of community on the band of fearless creators that remain bunkered down here on Duck Hill against the odds, armed to the teeth with talent and pens (mightier than the sword, you know) waiting for the commie/zombie hordes to come over the horizon.

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