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Site problems - update

Ozoneocean at 6:00AM, July 8, 2014

Update on the image situation. There was a potential security hole involving the image server. The hole has been corrected. JustNoPoint had to update some keys in the process that are used to access the image server.
That was done successfully.
The codes in the html for the site have been changed as well. However the images are still pointing to the old code. So the host for the image servers are going to check to make sure everything on their end is updated properly to accept the new codes made.
Because OzoneOcean and JNP searched and replaced all instances of the keys on the DD server themselves.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. The images are fine so no worries there.

For further updates please check our Facebook site:



Ozoneocean at 8:20AM, July 10, 2014

But the problem is still here so it will need more fixing. FUCK!

Ozoneocean at 8:20AM, July 10, 2014

It was even dumber than that actually- the site had all the new code, we just never thought to reboot it so it would start to use it. -_-

gnume at 12:38AM, July 10, 2014

bit idiotic mistake i think as the image links them self are still using the old code aka : you can see the images if you remove the old code (?Signature=PafP9gZedNxFOADTStsgfCcJsU4%3D&Expires=1404981218&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ5RENZ2C35363IHQ) the url is formatted as and is seeable

Ubersupersloth at 5:36PM, July 9, 2014

Seriously, I JUST wanted to read some FTW comics. DX

Gunwallace at 1:04PM, July 9, 2014

Keep fighting the good fight.

Ubersupersloth at 12:20PM, July 9, 2014

Goddamnit, I just wanted to read the FTW comics. DX

TheTanman at 10:01AM, July 9, 2014

(put really sad crying face here)

Ubersupersloth at 9:46AM, July 9, 2014


Ozoneocean at 5:58AM, July 9, 2014

We have an idea what's causing the issue now. JNP is going to try some more stuff soon.

BonesOfRuin at 3:12AM, July 9, 2014

Its broken man, cant update demon juice. :/

Ozoneocean at 10:32PM, July 8, 2014

The keys that the amazon image server needs to be given for use to serve our images had to be changed. But uses of it on this site have to be changed too so we can access and display them, We haven't been able to find all the spots in the coding were we have to replace the old keys with the new ones.

ray0002 at 9:09PM, July 8, 2014

I still not getting in pictures. What exactly did you fix?!!

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