Photo: “Part 11”. Original characters and story created by GrapeApe. Nocturne 21. (November 2023)
Anniversary Milestone
Here is a message from GrapeApe, creator of Nocturne 21:
November 22nd marked the 20th anniversary of my comic Nocturne 21! Twenty years ago my angsty teenage self picked up a crappy composition ...
Cheers for the 20th Anniversary of Nocturne 21!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 4, 2023Why Drawing Styles Make Webcomics Unforgettable
Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Dec. 2, 2023
Why hello fellow comic creators! Ever stopped and wondered what is it about each webcomic that makes them feel like a unique journey into an artist's imagination? Well today, I’m spilling the ink on why drawing styles matter so much in the magical world of webcomics and why ...
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2023
Zines were in the news recently
What’s a zine you might ask? It’s a small print run, usually small sized, amateur magazine. Often using photocopied pages, hand stapled, and it can be very unpolished in terms of content, but ...
The Thirds Rule
Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 30, 2023
The Rule of Thirds
When most people take a picture or draw a picture, the natural thing to do is to photograph or draw the subject in the center of the frame.
But one of the big tenets of visual composition is the RULE of THIRDS.
So pretty much, the ...
Quackcast 663 - AI and The Duck
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 28, 2023 LISTEN on our player!
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
This Quackcast tackles the issue of AI comics on Drunk Duck. We're discussing either a ban or rules that would enable them to be posted under conditions. We also talk about AI generated imagery and the ...
AI, Comics, and DD
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 25, 2023
You might have noticed a forum thread discussing whether AI comics should be hosted on the Duck. As always, big decisions on TOS or policy are discussed with the community on the Duck before we take any decisions. Whether DD will be hosting AI comics or not is one such ...
Food in space 200 days 🐈+🌹
lothar at 12:00AM, Nov. 24, 2023
Apparently it's time for another one of these and apparently I almost forgot but I didn't forget and here are some comics that were apparently updated many years ago and apparently the algorithm or something wants us to see them now
Comic:Peeby and Jay
Year ...
A movie playing a movie disguised as another movie
Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2023
There's a specific type of movie “trick” where we'll see something that seems as though it's really happening. I mean, it seems like it's “really happening” within the movie.
For instance, it'll be some kind of elaborate action sequence, or horror sequence, or whatever, but ...
Quackcast 662 - Drunkduck tales
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 21, 2023 LISTEN on our player!
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
Webcomic communities have different cultures, but why and where do they come from?
DD's culture is pretty chill, we're reasonably neutral and accepting of a wide range of ideas and perspectives, we're egalitarian to ...
Incorporating Catharsis
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 18, 2023
Last time I talked about catharsis I focused on how important it is in a story, whether by its presence or absense. This time I want to talk about how to incorporate it in a story.
To give a brief recap, catharsis is the feeling of release of powerful emotions ...