Then and Now

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 7, 2015

“Save ALL your work. Never throw your old art in the trash!” was a repeated mantra from all my art teachers over the years. The reasoning behind this idea makes sense: Old art is like a time capsule for fresh ideas and it can be a great addition in a ...

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Let's Colour With Crayons!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 31, 2015

(Colouring Sheets Included @ Bottom of Post)

Did you ever watch Mister Rogers when you were a little kid? My all-time favourite episode was the one where he takes the viewer to the crayon factory and showed us how crayons were made. I thought it was the most mesmerizing thing imaginable ...

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Quackcast 232 - Creating a Rounded World

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 18, 2015


Hello, hello, hello! This is the second part of our hugely long expose on the tricky art of WORLD BUILDING! And it really IS extra loooooooooooog… that's because we take so much time crafting the Quackcast world for you. To recap: world-building is a big part of ALL ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 12, 2015

Come and join the carnival of spirits, darkness, twilight, magic and weirdness… Rizmo is a devilish, demonic, clownish creature with a surreal world living inside his head. Young Abbey is new in town and doesn't know anyone, but then she meets the crazy carnie who gives her a ...

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Quackcast 230 - Getting the formula RIGHT

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 4, 2015


We've talked about formulas before, but mostly in the context of escaping formulas and reinventing them.
NOW however we're talking about using existing formulas to create a story, or creating new formulas and sticking to them to come up with your stories.
Formulas can be a good ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 24, 2015
tags: by, COMIC, E, FEATURED, Jabaru, rated

Four years after the disappearance of his father, Leo, a young boy with celestial dreams an imagination filled with fantasy winds up moving back into the old house that his family had left for the city. The house looks magical from the outside and it also has a mysterious attic ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Rag and Bone

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 3, 2015

Set in a coal town in the UK, 1975, Rag and Bone starts off with a couple of young boys wanting to play soccer. But Bernie has to look after his little sister Jenny and Jenny wants to look at the horsies… Things take a very disturbing and strange ...

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Quackcast 221 - Banes goes Bananas!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 2, 2015


Banes is home alone in the studio this time while Ozoneocean was away gallivanting around the globe… he's joined by intrepid security guard Bravo, who saves him from a fate worse than death. Together they chat and gabble away about things and stuff, primarily inspired by the ...

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Desert Island Art Supplies

HippieVan at 12:00AM, May 29, 2015

You've been tasked with illustrating the graphic novel memoirs of an evil king. Hey, the pay's alright - you can do this! The catch is, he's locking you up in an isolated tower somewhere with only three art supplies of your choice until the project is done. Assuming ...

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Quackcast 220 - the Process of Creation

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 26, 2015


Image by Ozoneocean

Hello from Belgrade in Serbia! This Quackcast was recorded 3 weeks ago and I am currently in Europe, though I'm still writing this from Perth Western Australia 3 weeks in the past… So in this particular Quackcast you get to hear ME Ozoneocean, Banes ...

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