Recollecting X-Men Trading Cards from the Early Nineties

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 1, 2022

Photo: X-Men Series II Trading Card Collection (1993)

An unopened, cellophane wrapped pack of trading cards is a sleeve of anticipation. The probability of finding a hologram or a rare character card is reason enough to get excited.

Around the time the Uncanny X-Men cartoon gained popularity in nineteen-ninety three ...

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Panel By Panel: Phantasos and Perspective

hpkomic at 8:09AM, July 29, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

This week we will check out a panel from the webcomic Phantasos by user jslongstreet. This is ...

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The Manchild

Banes at 12:00AM, July 28, 2022

The manchild is a very comic trope in fiction over the years. It's the kind of person who is an adult physically, but have not accepted adult responsibilities in some parts of life…or maybe any part of life. They are irresponsible in relationships or work or life in ...

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Quackcast 593 - Risky Business

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 26, 2022

LISTEN on our new player!
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Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

The risks of online creative success
We live in a wonderful time where you're able to turn your creative passion into a job that can support ...

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Poetry Time 4: Evermind

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, July 17, 2022

Poem Nr 4: Evermind

It’s I, it’s me, It’s mine.

Time lost. Memories kept.

Beutiful to look at. Horrible to live by.

Twisting the sunset key, we set the darkness free.

Holding a tomb. Hope is heavy weight.

The scars of bygone pride, parasiting all that died ...

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A Tale of Two Pebbles

Banes at 12:00AM, June 16, 2022

I don't know if you know this story already, but I just read it and loved it, so I'm sharing it here!

Many years ago in a small village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender, who ...

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Fantastic Bestiary 8: The Mermaid

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, May 29, 2022

Recently it struck me. So far I’ve already brought up two water-based mythic beings in this series of articles, and non of them were mermaids. Which is why I’ve decided to talk about them here today. We’re pretty much all familiar with mermaids. Though maybe not as ...

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Friday Fashion Spotlight 25: Kumiko, Maria, and Elda

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 13, 2022

Welcome to…
The DD Fashion Spotlight!
Number 25.

Hpkomic is sharing the load with Friday newsposts, so we alternate each week. My turn this week!

Kumiko, Maria, and Elda are all dressed as maids, in a very typically manga style. This is solidly a manga trope which comes from a ...

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Panel by Panel: 'Goldstar' and the Power of the Establishing Shot

hpkomic at 12:00AM, May 6, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

Let's start with our panel in question this week. This one comes from the webcomic of ...

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The Unicorn

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 30, 2022

No, this article isn't about the mythological beings. I wouldn't want to steal any single one from Andreas Helixfinger's awesome Sunday article series.

What I want to talk about is the metaphorical unicorn: a character that is too good to be true, too unlikely to be found ...

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