
Amelius on June 22, 2007

I'm working on something nice so there's no cameos (outside my own) today, I didn't work the art quite right for them to all fit in like I envisioned. So, we got “classics” *ahem* like Beck the Ferret, and that one guy, Tony, who I based guess-whose-hair upon. His buddy Freddie was supposed to be in here too but only his tail made it in, but he's got interesting hair too and I gave Vic his trenchcoat (it's cute, I made it myself for the little pipe-cleaner figure I made of him. Pipe-cleaner Tony has that stripy shirt too. Some of them went shirtless but none of them went naked that's for sure!) I had taken a picture of the whole “village” as it were, but some-body (mys sister) erased it so she could take her pictures on the digital camera *pout* (it took me like 3 hours to get them all to actually stand up, too)
Anyway enough of my whining! Sorry about the bit of an argument I got myself into the other day, I just want you all to know there's no hard feelings. I was a little stressed (and dead tired) so I may have overreacted a bit somewhere.
Oh, and the convention I went to, was a blast! Everbody was super nice, even though I was afraid to leave my seat for most of it.
Awesomeness! I'm going to the Wizard World convention in Chicago in August too, I'm really excited about it.
Also, speaking of convention, an idea manifested there, check out the community projects section of the DD forum, we're trying to start up a new DD community comic: Drunk duck Zombies!