#893 Bughouse

Amelius on March 13, 2011

Thank youse guys for the birthday wishes! I took that day off to go to the zoo, it was pretty cool. But that's not why this 2 pager is late!
I've gotta be honest, the reason it's late is because I didn't really plan for it! I mean, I had considered doing this page, but then cut it when I decided it was a good time to go to the next scene and was working on that page (also 2 pages). Mostly,I was going to skip this because it was stuff I assume you guys already knew. However, a lot of you seemed pretty eager to see it so I decided to make the effort, ‘cuz who loves ya? That’s right, I do! I do take things you say into consideration, even if I can't always show it right away!
Also, I know I have a tendency to try and not repeat things over and over, because I don't want to treat you all like you're stupid. But I realize also that I should consider the amount of pages and perhaps the amount of time it's been since a lot of you have been through the archives, paired with my slow updating, perhaps I should try to make things a little more clear once in a while! Then again, I don't like to shine a spotlight on some of the mysteries before we get to solving them either, so I'm still withholding a little bit until they unfold in the story itself. It's hard to explain things without info-dumping in the comic (which gets tedious for the reader) but I don't want to be answering questions in the author's notes instead of in the comic either. I try to consider it as if I didn't have the notes here to fill in the blanks. I don't really like to make an authoritative statement on how I want you to perceive things either, because reading the speculations and discussions in the forum is an absolute delight to me :D

I do hope you like the different things I tried on this page, it's chock full of SYMBOLISM! & stuff. And the hat, it is technically genderless (it's a hat!) but it does identify itself as female, I guess a little bit like a robot would. If I had to make the comparison that is. But yeah, perhaps it is a little more than a hat…but I'm going to avoid saying too much on that!

With that said, I might share a little inside info on Kavonn's bugs.(No, not his giant firefly Reni!) If you were shown to be magically inclined and were indeed keen to point it out as often as possible, nobody would suspect you right off for non-magical covert listening devices, eh?
He doesn't have one in Hex's room though, mostly because he's afraid of someone with a little more magic than him being able to detect them somehow. He has to keep them in darkened places out of view because when he opens a portal to retrieve them as seen, portals aren't exactly “discreet” things!

And yes, he heard every detail of Hex's conversation with Charby,(which took place in the cavern hallway, not Hex's room. Charby at least knows better than to teleport into his room!) and what Hex didn't know about the Master (AKA Bear Witch harhar totally not related to that darned Blair witch!) he asked Samrick about. A powerful wizard living in Kellwood would not go unnoticed by the Demon King Sammy!

But yeah, Kavonn's not omnipotent, he's just competent enough at his job. Sometimes that requires him to go into the cabin and save someone's butt when they try to do something stupid. He's keeping tabs on them, why wouldn't he help if he could, after all? Sometimes writers forget that they have a character that can solve problems that come up, and are in fact suited to the task, and it seems like an oversight when they don't at least try to do so. And to address a thread in the forum, it'll be interesting to see how Yiska handles her role in the cabin when Mr. High & Mighty finally picks up and leaves the next day! :D

Also, “Bughouse” is a slang term for insane asylum, so I couldn't pass up the double meaning!