Page 001- I smell failure

Toby Durr on Sept. 30, 2014

Here we go, first real comic page. The handful of people who did read Coga Suro have hopefully long forgotten it by now so I'm the only one who'll notice which of the panels were cribbed and the in-jokes. [As a rough guide, if a character in this has a course of action suggested to them and conspicuously goes ‘NUH-UH THATS STUPID’, the corresponding character in Coga Suro most likely actually did the thing, because that's how my sense of humour seems to work.
Anyway, here's our guy! He sure does love to video game a little bit. How unique. Niko's cryptic bullshit may start to make sense later. I can tell you now that it's 100% deliberate on her part.
From here I'll shoot for updating Mondays and Fridays.

If you're in the mood for more comics, have a gander at Fake Memories, an official buddy: