Due East - Book 4 Page 10

dueeast on Feb. 24, 2008

We're back to the black and white past. This is a few months after the last scene. I wanted to show that Carolyn's more toned but she's not thin, by any means. Still, we can see she's more confident and seems to feel better in general. I'm not a sports enthusiast but I wouldn't mind drawing a tennis match between Carolyn and someone else sometime, if it's called for in a future scene. It'd be a fun challenge to me.

Now to replies to the previous page's comments:

usedbooks: I agree, and wait till you see what (eventually) happens! :)

blntmaker: Thanks. It's got to be painful to realize all the good times/memories she denied herself by deliberately avoiding her sister…literally for years!

DAJB: Very true. I guess the main thing is what comes of the self-awareness, eh?

Tantz Aerine: And then add being a teen with her bottled up aggression and whatnot and somehow, I don't think a counselor is going to be on her short list of preferred company (because they might be a quack). XD

Molly Loves The KLF: Aww, that's cool – Brielle has a cheer squad now! :) (Very true observation about people btw, sadly.)

trevoramueller: I'm still experimenting with the computer coloring, but I like this, too. It's hard to get “natural lighting” just right in combination with flat color. And yes, I think it's safe to say this is a turning point for Brielle…

JustNoPoint: Thanks. I am really looking forward to getting to that point, artistically and storywise, but it will be a bit longer before we see the fruition of this reflection.

D0m: Thanks for the compliments. Hang on, my friend, it'll be a wild ride but I guarantee you won't be disappointed!