Endless Winter #3 - Page 24:

rainingbells on Feb. 1, 2009

One more page.

And to post my response to tokamada from the last page, for anyone that visited beforehand and didn't see the question regarding Sune:

Sune is not currently updating, but it is not abandoned. I've had a lot on my plate the last year and have found myself with limited time, so I'm trying to finish up Endless Winter (this story line) since it's a shorter arc, and then I'm going to move back to Sune.

I've also been reevaluating my approach to my stories and universe, given that while I have help from time-to-time from people like Anthony, Grace, and Hexx, I am trying to do multiple books, for the most part, on my own. So, I'm probably going to restructure things at some point so that they're more under one roof, as it were. In retrospect, it's probably the way I should have gone from the start.

I don't know whether I'm going to do that before the Sune story arc is finished or as it progresses, but it will eventually happen, and it won't alter the story I'm telling with Sune. If anything, it will broaden the scope of the story, and allow me to feel freer to explore various other plot lines that I don't necessarily feel free enough to explore under a title named after one specific character.