Chapter 7.14.208

LanceDanger on Feb. 12, 2008

So, yeah, took a risk lol XD Actually, a combination of things happened. I read what Phrazer wrote, and after giving a lost, Scooby Doo kind of look at myself, took out the dsk lol The cd rom was dead for aprox 2 hours after i took out the disk. I turned it on again after the said 2 hours, and it suddenly started working again (but very weird like). So I threw caution into the wind lol I just, HAD to color this, had to risk it. I'm not the type that gives up so easily, so, the only way I'll stop is when the computer actually blows up in front of me XD Now, I will try and see if the cd rom lives long enough to restore everything, wish me luck! Also, my tagteam partner is going to give me a cd rom he used to have over the weekend, so that will help =3 Now you HAVE to check out his webcomic!

As for this page, I actually feel proud how the coloring came out, even though it's a vastly different style that I usually do. I think I'll go as far as saying this is probably my favorite colored page (not lineart wise, I think, the coloring made up for a few shortcomings in the lineart lol) =3 So, now we know about 85% of the main plot now! Hope it wasn't confusing =) Anywho, I'm off to try and rstore this thing if I still can, so, I'll get to commenting on your guys stuff throughout the day if I succeed, if I don't, then, I guess I won't comment on your guys stuff throughout the day XD Thank you for reading, and please, look foward to the next update, whenever that might be XD

Used Books: Yeah, when I get some cash I'm definitely go the flashdrive way, more practicle than cds now a days lol XD And thank you =) And yay, Dread Pirate Roberts! I was actually watching that movie again recently XD; Salasvexx: Lol, yeah, and Exorcist sure loves his rooftops XD And thank you =); Peipei: Thank you =D; Phrazer: Lol as you may have guessed by now, no, I wasn't aware of it XD I always saw that little hole, but never really knew what it was about (or remembered). Either way, thanks tons!!; Magickmaker: Thank you! And yeah, it gets even more downhill for poor Fred from this point on…; Janen; Thanks, dude! Hopefully if all goes well, it will be sooner than expected XD; Popenfresh: Thans, dude XD; Worstcase: Lol, yay! Thank you =3; Kyupol: Thanks for the 5 =)