Chapter 27.10.781

LanceDanger on Jan. 26, 2022

Hey everyone! Hope 2022 has been treating you all well. In all of last year I was only able to upload 4 pages. This month I was able to upload 3, so that's something!
This is probably my favorite page of this chapter. When I first created Felicidad, I never would have thought she'd be a recurring character, much less Jane's friend, but friendship and stories sometimes just find a way to blossom if it's only given a chance, I guess.
This is one of my favorite chapters of book 2, and I hope you all enjoy it by the end, even though I know it kind of feel a bit like filler.
I personally needed a bit of a palate cleanser after so much intensity since chapter 19, so this was a welcome change of pace, at least for me XD
Catch you all hopefully next week when we FINALLY hit the midway point of this chapter.