
Frogman on Feb. 23, 2008

Page 4 and our 5th and final main cast member, Lisa Szewczyk. I'm quite happy with how I ended up introducing them all in the first 4 pages.

I wish I was as smooth as Steve. I'm actually trying to make him not too likeable. Just likeable enough. Originally he was a girlfriendless nerd in the vain of Peter Parker, but I decided that sort of character has been beaten to death so he became a ‘normal’ student. Not a nerd, but not the most popular person in the school. Also, requiring superpowers to get a girlfriend is laaaaaame, so I have established that relationship before he becomes Frogman.

Karate class is exactly like this for anyone who doesn't know. It's always in a gym or some sort. There are always kids with high ranking belt colours that you could beat up even if you didn't know any karate. The girls are outnumbered about four to one, and always wear t-shirts under their gis (technical term for karate pajamas). Those are proper sparring pads they're wearing too. If you look closely, in the background there's a guy pulling up a crotch cup to the left of the first panel.

I really like using flashbacks as a storytelling technique, so you'll see more of them in the future. Not in this chapter though, I don't think. I like it when they're sepia tone too. Makes them look old and shit. (Even if it was only 2 years ago…) Oh, and as an extra special treat (or, you know, just because I've got it…) here's the full colour version of this page.

I did karate for 4 years. I really miss it. I should go back when I get some stability back into my life. Not having a job sucks balls. It looks like I have to go learn Maya just to get a job in the animation industry because no one wants anyone for 2D Flash work it seems. And the 3D package I do know isn't one they use a lot in the industry. God damn Lightwave. Just thought I'd vent. Thanks for reading.

Next weeks page is ruled up, but I haven't started pencils yet. I did however get my reference pics from my mate today, who I sent on a stealth mission (because he works near the place I wanted to set the next part of the story). I have the rest of the day to myself (er, it's Saturday at the moment) so I should be able to get a heap done.

Until next time, stay extreme!