017 A Good Laugh

Xade on Jan. 6, 2021

Edit: I forgot to change the year so it aired early.

If you dont know who Dandy-Lion of Fusion is then you better go find out who he is. He's an awesome character an d my personal fave. I almost quit reading it after this scene, thus it became my favorite. :)

Anyhow, Now we get to see how Zeep looks today and a face to Miss Marty. I won't be doing any more of these for a while, it really tired me out and I skimped a little on the last panel because I was so burned out. Making Zeep in Blender and putting together the living room also contributed to the burnout. I think I'll take a week off. Next update 1/20 to boost my buffer and take a few days off for some mindless violence of PC games. Come 'er controller Lets play some Devil May Cry 5 or Sonic the Hedgehog!