Part 7 page 5

Ozoneocean on Sept. 11, 2007

Page description:
Ace and Pinky's mum Kitty inform finally come clean about why they're talking to her about these matters- they apparently require her assistance in retrieving the Buddha as part of some larger plot to formant strife in the British colonies in India to tie up the Empire's foes (of which Britain is one), and increase Kitty's capital in court.

Pretty well spot on time this week, despite being extremely sick! I'm still sick too, with a bad cold, but this whole page took less than a day for once- that includes sketching, drawing, colour, text, the lot. That's very unusual for me. Anyway, I'm basically too sick to do anything else right now so I'll put up this page and go to bed now.

Using the BCX button to see the colour version of this page without the messy text!
And vote using the Top Web comics button to see how this looks in line art without the added colour.

-No feature, too sick.