Part 7 page 5
Ozoneocean on Sept. 11, 2007
Page description:
Ace and Pinky's mum Kitty inform finally come clean about why they're talking to her about these matters- they apparently require her assistance in retrieving the Buddha as part of some larger plot to formant strife in the British colonies in India to tie up the Empire's foes (of which Britain is one), and increase Kitty's capital in court.
Pretty well spot on time this week, despite being extremely sick! I'm still sick too, with a bad cold, but this whole page took less than a day for once- that includes sketching, drawing, colour, text, the lot. That's very unusual for me. Anyway, I'm basically too sick to do anything else right now so I'll put up this page and go to bed now.
Using the BCX button to see the colour version of this page without the messy text!
And vote using the Top Web comics button to see how this looks in line art without the added colour.
-No feature, too sick.
iagojester at 7:47AM, Oct. 7, 2007
Pinky almost looks pretty... in a non-Ocean way! ...what a slip of the pen! Never again shall it be so once she is embittered by the system.
Jenshin at 7:56AM, Sept. 18, 2007
Caught myself up on your comic! Wow I feel like everything just coalesced into a relatively complex plot! Awesome. Wow your coloring is just amazing.. Sometimes you don't even use that many colors, but the ones you pick are just so realistic.. picture perfect. Sometimes your people look a bit stiff, though. Like dolls.
Kim at 11:33AM, Sept. 17, 2007
Almost forgot, I posted 3 pages in my "Side Notes" of our older collaborations. I gave you links in them. If you want anything changed in the description, just drop me a line.
lothar at 12:17AM, Sept. 15, 2007
being sick sux! get well !
Gillsing at 3:19PM, Sept. 13, 2007
Nice plot she's got going. And eat many oranges.
SarahN at 9:50PM, Sept. 12, 2007
Wah! Hey, the "boom boom" wasn't supposed to happen until Pinky's new mission of "get back Buddha" begins! XD
Mylar at 6:42PM, Sept. 12, 2007
That you are!
adobedragon at 3:11PM, Sept. 12, 2007
Hope you are feeling better!
junoblairb at 11:13AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Oh snap! :D I love Ace's look in the second panel. I totally
Tantz_Aerine at 10:38AM, Sept. 12, 2007
So very interesting! And I love her mother's very objective (almost cynical) approach to things. Also love the... crashing of the party. Heheheh. Well done.
n_y_japlander at 9:09AM, Sept. 12, 2007
1st off, hope you get over what you got soon! 2nd, itsumo, sugoi peiji desu!!! (as always, great page!!) (^O^)
JillyFoo at 8:29AM, Sept. 12, 2007
haha fun stuff.
Darwin at 7:41AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Wow so espionage runs in the family, and mother's got loft goals! Nicely done!
seanh at 7:17AM, Sept. 12, 2007
I'm a sucker for well drawn hands. That's a great one there!
ljs5123 at 7:15AM, Sept. 12, 2007
To battle!!!! -L.
Hero at 6:50AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Don't you hate it when things explode in the middle of a conversation.
Nick at 5:17AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Looks AWESOME. Well done, sir.
Whirlwynd at 1:49AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Eep! Nice expressions on this one =)
DAJB at 12:31AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Hah! That'll teach 'em to try and do the dirty on us poor Brits! Nice work, OO (but you knew that!)
Neilsama at 12:23AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Excellent page, good sir. And I do hope you're feeling better soon.
Aurora Moon at 12:22AM, Sept. 12, 2007
fight breaks out, then pinky sets everything on fire! woot!
simonitro at 12:08AM, Sept. 12, 2007
Damn, her mom is demanding! She can, literally, replace M from James Bond movies! Anyway, the rebellions have started the attack already! Bastards!