PAGE ELEVEN: The Adventure Begins Iss. #3 Vol. #1

MegaRdaniels on Dec. 16, 2020

Ah, yes ENJOY THE NIGHTMARE FUEL LOL ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ . Mwahahaha. I don't know if you all remember this one character named Issac in Issue #2, but yeah——he was eaten and his remains are in her stomach. Yes, she is a cannibal, as if it were there already. However, this act is going to be expanded throughout the series.

Victoria here is just relaxing, digesting her meal. LOL, I know some of you all are curious whether or not what kind of drugs I was taking that day when I decided to go full out on her psychopathic character. I was like, "Hmm…let me go out and check to see which serial killer throughout history I would like to base this character on. Ed Gein. Well, a combination of Ed Gein and Albert Fish——with a little bit of Mileena in there and then you have Victoria.

LOL sorry for the nightmare fuel lol.

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