The Savior of Hell - The Propechy - Page 4

Vargorm on May 31, 2009

First of all before I take up your precious time; I would like to thank my good friend Himitsu-Keeper from DeviantArt with agreeing helping me with spellchecking on my comic before I post it. She's a good gal, known her for some years now. ^^

Alrighty then, where were I? Ah yes. Page 4. Well, the story carries on. Even that I've been lying around half dead with a fever. Damnit, I never learn to never travel with someone whose ill.
I might be late with the next page, need to color it. (Because little stupid me forgot to bring her wacom pen when I went to my hometown so my parents could take care of me while having the fever. Grrr… Oh well, like I could draw while being sick. :P )
Well, I'm healthy now and going back to work. I think I hear the boss crackle his whip. Ep! oxo;

Oh well, take care you all good people out there!