Issue 1# Page 2 - Commencing main mission objective

Andreas_Helixfinger on Sept. 14, 2023

Chief Camarou instructs the Cessjumpers on their mission objectives and their spotter Jack gives them the estimated location of their main objective.

Worked a bit overtime on this one yesterday to get it ready for uploaded today as I'll be off to the country tomorrow staying over at my parents house in the weekend. Gave the cessjumpers designated colors on their hats and belts, just to help you tell apart one from the other better. I might change it back to homogenous grey if I manage to figure out distinct looks for each cessjumper, but we'll do this for now til' then. I think the next update next week will be Psyflung. Til that time, take care.

PS: I think I just figured out. Back to the greys.