Strip XVIII: Levana Located

J_Scarbrough on Oct. 19, 2022

Welcome one and all to VAMPIRE GIRL: The Second Season! A comic ten years in the making! Well, okay, not really . . . the idea had been sitting in my head for about ten years, but I've only actually been working on the new comic itself for nearly two. . . . Nevertheless, I'm very excited to be debuting the new season of VAMPIRE GIRL today, and I'm also equally excited to share that in addition to just the work I've done in terms of writing and drawing the comic, my good friend Marie Kerns also returned to be my creative consultant once again - always nice to have champions of your work who you can collaborate with as well!

But, to kick things off, Season 2 pretty much picks up where Season 1 left off, with Levana clearly enjoying her new life as a mortal - she's probably one of the few people in modern society not to own a car or use public transportation, as she prefers to walk in the warm sun wherever she can . . . wow, no wonder she keeps slim and trim!

Also, just for the record, that song that she's singing? It's actually an excerpt from a for-real, legit original song I wrote way, way, waaaaay back, many ages and moons ago, before Levana was even born (in reality, that is - I have no idea how long she's been alive in her universe). The song was written for an entirely different character, for an entirely different project, that I have never been able to get off the ground . . . but, it was written to be a positive, uplifting, “everything's gonna be alright” kind of a song, which I felt suited Levana's mood and attitude in our season opener . . . plus, I don't know if you can get into any trouble quoting copyrighted song lyrics in a comic like you can using copyrighted songs in YouTube videos. Oh yeah, and that's Steve D'Monster, once again, making another cameo in the comic, along with one of his nemesis, Jennifer Squirrel.

As you can also see, it would seem that all may not be entirely right in Levana's sunny new world . . . what could all of this lead to? Well, hopefully, you'll stick with us as we update a new strip/page every Wednesday, here on The Duck Webcomics!

Next week: Well . . . Levana's attitude certainly changed rather quickly, didn't it?