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Drunk Duck Secret Santa 2010
Niccea at 9:37PM, Dec. 5, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
BlkKnight cannot run Secret Santa this year, so I decided to take over the reins this time.

Step 1) Sign up before December 12th with a picture request. This may or may not involve your comic characters and does not even have to be holiday themed. If you request nothing, then you may receive anything. Just leave a post in this thread.

Step 2) On December 12th I will randomize those who signed up and inform everyone of who they are a secret santa for. You will have until December 26th to complete the request and post it in the corresponding thread.

Step 3) Profit!

If you are feeling extra generous, you may sign up to fulfill requests by deadbeat members who did not complete step 2 (i.e. Deadbeat Watch Committee or DWC). Please specify when signing up if you'd like to participate in that end.


1.) Niccea: Christmas themed avatar art.

2.) TheFlyingGreenMonkey DWC: Avatar art

3.) Ochitsukanai: My request is dinosaurs in costumes. One or more, whatever costumes or dinosaurs you feel like drawing.

4.) Genejoke DWC: Any character from any of my comics in a skimpy sexy santa outfit.

5.) darrell: I'll go with my usual request of anything involving Divine Leap characters.

6.) supermathsbeaver: I'll do it! I don't mind what I get as long as it's Christmassy and AWESOME!!

7.) Sameth: I want a picture of Erin (the blue dragon with a squint from my comic Dragon City) doing something Christmas-y.

8.) AndreaC: I'd just like my Secret Santa to draw ore or more characters from my comic Acting Out

9.) ayesinback: anything positive for the New Year (might use for an avi at some point)

10.) Syas:
I'd like any of the characters from my comic, Insta-Dinner!

11.) Darwiin: The Only Half Saga (Can be any of the characters…I don't have a lot of art with Renate, Miranda, or Carmen.) Or Gemutations:Plague (Can be any character you like. I don't have enough of any of those characters in fan arts.)

12.) pinkbatmax: art of characters from Eve's Apple

13.) Kojika: I'll ask for any of the characters from my Zos Kias, wrapping presents (or each other? )

14.) usedbooks: I'd like Used Books characters (any characters, but at least two) in a romantic winter scene

15.) ErrePi: Um. I want a one page comic where at the end two character high five. No violence!

16.) Cheesecake for Every: A gift of any of my characters will make me bounce up and down in joy!

17.) blindsk: I don't really care what they do for mine (though it has to contain at least a little bit of craziness)

18.) demontales: I'd like any of my characters from my comic, Obsessivity. Or, if you're nippleophobe, there are two links with sketches of them

19.) Salsa: Holiday themed nose art, no nudity please

20.) Mitaukano: Any of my characters doing something holiday related. If you pick the big blue girl (Teresa) remember she's Jewish everyone else is fair game though.

21.) Abel Lynch: I would like a picture of Cthulhu (google it if you don't know what it is.) smashing the titanic…Or a picture of Jesus and Darwin getting ready for a boxing match.

22.) ghostrunner: any of my characters, fan art style

23.) jgib99: If I can get a pic of any of my characters from my comic How Unfortunate, it would be great.

24.) alejkhan: I would like to see any of my characters from Lola trying to decorate a christmas tree, please.

25.) JazylH: I'd prefer a pic of any characters from my Beast Legion comic.

26.) Steampunkish: If this is an acceptable request, maybe characters from my comic celebrating the holidays with characters from the Santa's comic. If that wouldn't work at all, do a holiday scene involving Cthulu.

27.) Kroatz: I would like a picture of a giant teenage mutant waffle fighting a legion of undead snowmen (All wearing brightly colored scarfs of course). Or… you know, something as cool as that.

28.) MageeJabberwock: I suppose my request will be any character from my webcomic.

29.) Reashi DWC: I'd Like a pic of any of my current characters from my web-o-comic. Doesn't matter what they do.

30.) RPGgrenade: I'd like a picture of the protagonist of one of my comics Wearing a santa suit (sexy or not) from either Nectar of the Gods
or Poseidon's Path

31.) PyThomas: Fanart of any TLT character (on the “Meet The Cast” page) will do just fine.

32.) skreem: (no request)

33.) mechanical_lullaby DWC: I want zombies for christmas. Straight up dead romero-style zombies enjoying what would be a very zombie holiday. Whatever holiday you choose really. Perhaps they're eating santa, or lighting the menorah. They could even be hunting for easter eggs or celebrating the chinese new year.

34.) pastel DWC:
I'd like anyone from ELO. I'd prefer at least 2 characters in the picture though >.<

35.) rokulily DWC: i'm in! i would like a picture of holiday bunnies. like a christmas bunny, a chanukah bunny, kawanza bunny, new years bunny, festivus bunny, etc

36.) jninjashadow DWC: A picture of Santa fighting some kind of wild beast like a bear or lion would be spectacular

37.) Hero: My request is to See Jax from Wintergreen duking it out with Comet Kid over the last mug of marshmallowy hot chocolate.

38.) frankkerr: (I really didn't know what he was requesting in his post)

39.) kitty17 DWC: My request is a drawing of my character Kira being awesome or my character Janie

40.) RazorD9: As for request, something with my character Cedrick the Burning Lord!

41.) Foxy_Kitty_Girl: I would like a picture of one of the Greek or egyptian goddesses decorating for christmas or wearing somthing for christmas

42.) PaulEberhartd: I'd like something tiger themed. It would be cool if it's holiday-themed as well, but I won't mind if it isn't. I'll probably want to share it with my readers, and some of them might be underage, so I'd appreciate if you could go a bit easy on violence and nudity and stuff.

43.) gunwallace: I'd request any one of the characters from my strip (Character Development) in a Xmas theme/outfit, and the rest up to you.

44.) Harkovast: Harkovast fan art"

45.) AfterDark: I'd like a fanart drawing of any of the characters from my comics The Runner or The Chaosium, whichever the artist finds most interesting.

46.) DreamDutchess:
I'll go with a fan art of a boobs ahoy character.

47.) Catya: Any of my characters

48.) Zeph: as epic a fight you can make between sexy Santa girls.

49.) AQua_ng: Dear Santa, please draw for me what Christmas means for 2010's society.

50.) theshazerin: I'll request for any of my characters from The Mannequin Waltz in a santa costume would be nice.

51.) weirdwolfoflondon: Anything involving any of my characters.

52.) ozoneocean:
I'd like fanart for my character please. her name is Pinky, this is her comic:

53.) Abt_Nihil: I'd be happy to receive any artwork involving any of my characters from any of my main active comics (A.D 1997, signifikat, Bombshell, Holon). Except obscure characters who just walk past in the background or don't talk at all, or something like that ^_^

54.) EternalSlurp: May I have a picture of Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan?

55.) Janen: Any of the characters from my comic Per Ardua in a snowball fight.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:15PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 11:34PM, Dec. 5, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
I want avi art. And I'll sign up for DWC since I should have some free time :D

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
Ochitsukanai at 12:05AM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 979
joined: 6-11-2008
Signing up~

Even though I didn't get a summer santa gift, all is forgiven ‘cause the only gift I need is FRIENDSHIP, DERP DERP :d

My request is dinosaurs in costumes. One or more, whatever costumes or dinosaurs you feel like drawing. If you are a person who usually feels self-conscious about his or her own art quality, please don’t feel that way. <3

Always, I wanna be with mew, and make believe with mew
and live in harmony harmony oh nyan
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:20PM
Genejoke at 3:17AM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 4,266
joined: 4-9-2010
I'll sign up.

@Ochi, me neither. I felt left out.

My request…
Any character from any of my comics in a skimpy sexy santa outfit.

oh I'll sign up for the DWC too.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:33PM
darrell at 6:17AM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 158
joined: 1-3-2006
I'm in. I'll go with my usual request of anything involving Divine Leap characters.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:08PM
supermathsbeaver at 8:54AM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 50
joined: 1-18-2006
I'll do it! I don't mind what I get as long as it's Christmassy and AWESOME!!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:04PM
Sameth at 2:25PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 38
joined: 3-13-2007
I want a picture of Erin (the blue dragon with a squint from my comic Dragon City) doing something Christmas-y.
Creator of Dragon City
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:21PM
AndreaC at 2:33PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 7
joined: 8-1-2009
I'm in! ^^

I'd just like my Secret Santa to draw ore or more characters from my comic “Acting Out”. —->

Please and thank you! ^^
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:52AM
ayesinback at 2:37PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
please sign me up.

Secret Santa - anything positive for the New Year (might use for an avi at some point)

Thanks! (and recipient: I'll do my best :) )
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
Syas at 3:29PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 16
joined: 9-26-2008
Sign me up! =D

I'd like any of the characters from my comic, Insta-Dinner!. :)

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:05PM
Darwin at 4:23PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 617
joined: 4-25-2006
I'd like to get in on it this year!

I would like a character drawn from either of my main comics:

The Only Half Saga (Can be any of the characters…I don't have a lot of art with Renate, Miranda, or Carmen.)

Or(NOT and)

Gemutations:Plague (Can be any character you like. I don't have enough of any of those characters in fan arts.)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:09PM
pinkbatmax at 4:24PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 10
joined: 12-1-2008
Sounds cute! Sign me up. I get a bit of fanwork for The Princess, so I'll take art of characters from Eve's Apple instead.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:43PM
Kojika at 4:47PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 159
joined: 12-7-2006
I'm in~ Had fun with this last year, fufufu~ Don't have a lot of time, but I'll make it work! Always do X3

I'll ask for any of the characters from my Zos Kias, wrapping presents (or each other? ) Lol~
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:20PM
usedbooks at 5:04PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Yay Secret Santa! Holidays would be incomplete without it.

I'd like Used Books characters (any characters, but at least two) in a romantic winter scene. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:38PM
ErrePi at 5:04PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 5
joined: 1-8-2006
Sign me up!

Um. I want a one page comic where at the end two character high five. No violence! ‘Cause that’s a little too obvious.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:22PM
Cheesecake for Every at 6:08PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 23
joined: 8-5-2009
Sign me up!
A girft of any of my characters will make me bounce up and down in joy!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:40AM
blindsk at 7:19PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 560
joined: 5-5-2010
I would definitely love to be a part of this. I don't really care what they do for mine (though it has to contain at least a little bit of craziness), but I'm rather excited to do something for someone else. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:25AM
demontales at 7:24PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 308
joined: 7-18-2009
Sign me up :)

I'd like any of my characters from my comic that you can see by clicking on the banner below.

Or, if you're nippleophobe, there are two links with sketches of them
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:10PM
Salsa at 7:29PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
I'm in. I don't know what I want yet. I'll think of something.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:19PM
Mitaukano at 7:43PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 178
joined: 3-26-2008
Sign Me Up!
I'll go with the go boost and ask for any of my characters doing something holiday related.

If you pick the big blue girl (Teresa) remember she's Jewish everyone else is fair game though. =D
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:05PM
Abel Lynch at 7:49PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 8
joined: 4-15-2010
Signing up.

I would like a picture of Cthulhu (google it if you don't know what it is.) smashing the titanic…Or a picture of Jesus and Darwin getting ready for a boxing match.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:44AM
ghostrunner at 8:37PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 67
joined: 12-17-2007
i'm in. any of my charictors, fan art style
One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop.- g weilacher
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
jgib99 at 9:04PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
I was wondering when this would start. Sign me up! If I can get a pic of any of my characters from my comic How Unfortunate, it would be great.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
alejkhan at 10:04PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 390
joined: 1-5-2006
I would like to see any of my characters from Lola trying to decorate a christmas tree, please.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:48AM
JazylH at 10:57PM, Dec. 6, 2010
posts: 133
joined: 7-29-2010
YAY! My very first DD Secret Santa! Looking forward to see what request I get. :) As for me I'd prefer a pic of any characters from my Beast Legion comic.

Updated Mondays & Fridays
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM
Steampunkish at 12:10AM, Dec. 7, 2010
posts: 19
joined: 7-17-2009
I'll bite.

If this is an acceptable request, maybe characters from my comic celebrating the holidays with characters from the Santa's comic. If that wouldn't work at all, do a holiday scene involving Cthulu.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:57PM
Kroatz at 12:48AM, Dec. 7, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
I'm IN.

I would like a picture of a giant teenage mutant waffle fighting a legion of undead snowmen (All wearing brightly colored scarfs of course).
Or… you know, something as cool as that.
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
MageeJabberwock at 12:58AM, Dec. 7, 2010
posts: 7
joined: 5-4-2010
I'll sign up. I suppose my request will be any character from my webcomic.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
Reashi at 1:50AM, Dec. 7, 2010
posts: 87
joined: 1-25-2006
Sounds Rad, Sign me up!

I'd Like a pic of any of my current characters from my web-o-comic. Doesn't matter what they do.

Also I can be a DWC since my Winter Break for University is coming up.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:01PM
RPGgrenade at 3:50AM, Dec. 7, 2010
posts: 153
joined: 10-4-2009
I'll sign up now, it sounds fun!
I'd like a picture of the protagonist of one of my comics Wearing a santa suit (sexy or not) from either Nectar of the Gods
or Poseidon's Path

The liquid creations of Gods passed down to man, but sometimes an object of the gods' realm can cause chaos in the mortal realm.
Read Nectar of the Gods!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:12PM

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