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No Healthy People Allowed
Glarg at 8:53AM, June 19, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
Im an alchoholic….so my health probelem would be my liver? Oh yeah and every morning I wake up with Hangovers.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:37PM
dueeast at 8:59AM, June 19, 2007
posts: 1,104
joined: 5-6-2007
Wow dueeast, that's pretty intense o.o

Yes, it's intense but it saved my life, too. My grandfather died of colon cancer when he was 26 (back in 1943) and my dad got colon cancer in 1985, went into remission for 10 years and passed away from the recurrence in 1997. And I had no complications after those operations for 20 years. Strangely enough, when I became lactose intolerant in my early 30s, a lot of other things went haywire around the same time.

The body is a mysterious thing. :spin:
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:17PM
rmccool at 9:47AM, June 19, 2007
posts: 45
joined: 1-26-2006
cancer…spend all my free time driving my mate to the dr…drawing comics in waiting rooms…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:08PM
RDraconis at 4:52PM, June 19, 2007
posts: 76
joined: 6-1-2007
I have a cyst in my wrist (basically a little bubble) that hurts really bad once in awhile, and get nauseous when under a lot of stress- like boarding school.

I think most of my problems come from the fact that I'm not good at eating well or exercising. ^^; Not bad compared to everyone else. ^^;
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:01PM
junoblairb at 7:44PM, June 19, 2007
posts: 348
joined: 10-19-2006
I have a cyst in my wrist (basically a little bubble) that hurts really bad once in awhile, and get nauseous when under a lot of stress- like boarding school.

Cysts are absolutely terrible and that's a terrible place to have one! Wouldn't they want to surgically remove that? I heard the micro-surgery options aren't that bad.

God, I hate cysts. *mumbles some more about cysts*
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
draxenn at 10:48PM, June 19, 2007
posts: 635
joined: 2-14-2006
I'm not going to tell you people my fucking weaknesses, because they're none.
no no, your weakness is your comic. For being without it is akin to superman ingesting kryptonite! :)

Me? I have tinnitus. That's about it.
Screw the money! I have RULES!
. o O ( Evil )
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:16PM
Cthulhu at 6:36PM, June 20, 2007
posts: 5,086
joined: 4-18-2006
I have tough skin, but when I bleed, I bleed. Also, I can get a scar from the tinest scratch, and always, always, I have at least 20 cuts on my body at any given time. Also, my knees are covered in scars, but strangly, I don't have bad knees. I have a bad back. Doing what I do causes a lot of strain on my body, and by now, I don't react to pain. I can't even feel it anymore. My face itself has lots of tiny scars on it, thus why I'm never posting pictures of myself. I never get sick though, because when I was a kid, I got sick a lot, now my body can fight of dieseases better, and I hardly get sick. One good thing is that my body adapts quickly, and no matter what happens, like getting very sick, getting a big cut, I can still continue to do what I do. At this very moment, I have a few cuts on my face, and arms, and my legs look like hell. But what's bad is, I don't feel it. I was told that pain is a good thing, because it tells you when it's too bad. When I go to the docters, I swear they roll their eyes everytime I walk in.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:56AM
blntmaker at 10:35PM, June 24, 2007
posts: 339
joined: 6-2-2007
Just TWO things:

1) Asthma - But as a child, the doctor said to remain active and play sports - condition your body and breathing that way! I did and do and I'm happy to say that this is ONE condition that doesn't define me! Thank God for soccer, football and Bally's Total Fitness!

2) Keratoconus - Over time, your corneas form a “cone” shape and eventually “erupt” leading to blindness. A cure for it is a cornea transplant (I don't need it yet - waiting for some good soul to donate their body to science after they die) - so for now, I wear the most necessary evil on this planet - hard plastic contacts! Here's a great link for it on WIKI…Mandy Patinkin (“My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father…”) is the only famous guy I know that had this condition.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:26AM
Sysli at 4:02PM, June 25, 2007
posts: 162
joined: 2-24-2007
Yaye, my turn!
Now, I don't think I can top any of the really bad things mentioned, but here's a list anyway:

-Diabetic (type 1) since I was two. That one always won any who-has-it-worst arguments at school. And I'm proud of it. May as well be when you've been told you'll never get rid of it. Hah, take that kids who think you have it bad with your minor discomforts!

-Some skin disease that only has a latin name and really only looks ugly. I forget it's there half the time untill somebody says “My God, what happened to your leg?!”.

-A few permanent teeth never grew in (there's a fancy name for that, but if I'm not going to remember the skin-thing, then I'm not remembering the teeth thing).

And at the moment that's it. I think. I'm sure something else will show up eventually, but who cares. My body woooorks. Now, if only I could donate blood… Oh well.
Because I may as well show a bit of pride. ^___^

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:05PM
Memmy at 10:17PM, June 25, 2007
posts: 183
joined: 4-30-2007
Well just about everyone have problems.

I have:
-Vertigos (possibly Meniere's Syndrome, though it could be number of other things)
-Long QT Arrhythmia
-Mild Ulcer

I take beta blockers for the arrythmia and it slows my circulations down so I get cold hands and feets very easily, also it has few other side effects such as isomania. However I've been doing okay lately.

Umm… I just found out that I'm pregant few days ago? :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:59PM
Alexis at 10:54PM, June 25, 2007
posts: 314
joined: 1-15-2007
I have problems with my stomach. Maybe ulcers, I'm not sure. I have to be sedated next month so they can take a good look. I also have a bad back. I hurt it skateboarding a few years ago, sparing you a medical explaination, my lower back is messed up and basically it affects my hips. Most of the time I'm fine, but sometimes I can't walk well, and I have a bad limp. I can't take any painkillers because of my stomach, though. It sucks. I'm looking to buy a cane sometime soon, but it has to be a cool one. Not a pimp cane, either. Maybe something that looks like it comes from Sherlock Holmes.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:49AM
7384395948urhfdjfrueruieieueue at 6:43PM, June 28, 2007
posts: 6,921
joined: 8-5-2006
Clinical depression.

i will also like to know you the more
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:03AM
Rori at 7:57PM, June 28, 2007
posts: 471
joined: 12-3-2006
I have really bad knees, so when I have sex too vigorously my knees hurt really bad the next day. Also, I have to be careful who I have sex with, because I'm allergic to most antibiotics, and also to babies. I'm also allergic to seafood, but that doesn't affect my sex life, much.

Now that's some TMI comin' atcha!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:11PM
josif at 9:50AM, June 29, 2007
posts: 156
joined: 1-7-2006
I have really bad knees, so when I have sex too vigorously my knees hurt really bad the next day. Also, I have to be careful who I have sex with, because I'm allergic to most antibiotics, and also to babies. I'm also allergic to seafood, but that doesn't affect my sex life, much.

Now that's some TMI comin' atcha!
. . .
Your Reading Skills Have Increased By Two Points.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
junoblairb at 2:09PM, June 29, 2007
posts: 348
joined: 10-19-2006
I have really bad knees, so when I have sex too vigorously my knees hurt really bad the next day. Also, I have to be careful who I have sex with, because I'm allergic to most antibiotics, and also to babies. I'm also allergic to seafood, but that doesn't affect my sex life, much.

Now that's some TMI comin' atcha!
. . .


And congrats to you Memmy. :D (your avi is SO cute!)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
Chameloncholic at 2:27PM, June 29, 2007
posts: 458
joined: 1-3-2006
Well, Migraines… Obviously.
Bad sinuses make my cheeks feel like someone's punched me in the face when they're infected.
aaaand, cold knees!

Nothing else really, just that my knees get really freaking COLD!

Ozone is the Australian me. Apart from the knee thing, what the hell.

I grew up with migraines, though I have them very rarely these days. I did however have one this month, a migraine plus a 2 hour commute is not a pretty thing. The sinuses appear to be a family thing and indeed are a bitch when they get infected, also when the air is really dry.

Other than that I'm a healthy guy, do 100 situps every morning and walk the 30 minutes between the train station and my office too.

Seriously, cold knees? Circulation maybe, are your feet cold too?
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:39AM
zekeybomb at 9:18PM, June 29, 2007
posts: 58
joined: 6-25-2007
migrains and rage at emos
somthing about the lighting in wal greens makes you want to steal or pay half btw go here
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:55PM
Nicotine at 7:24AM, June 30, 2007
posts: 494
joined: 6-18-2007
There's nothing too bad wrong with me…I guess just two things.

1. Really bad eye sight. I've had glasses since I was 4. I can't see anything without them.
2. Lactose intollerant. If I eat a bowl of cereal without soy milk I'll get sick all over the place D:
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:16PM
jissai at 7:11PM, June 30, 2007
posts: 101
joined: 2-7-2006
1) bad eyesight
2) short-term memory loss
3) arthritis
4) hairyness ^^;
5) severe anxiety
6) severe depression after my anxiety hits the roof
7) mild insomnia
8) mild scizophrenia
9) sezure disorder
10) attempted suicide if not depression.
11) anemic (spelling?)

yeah, i think thats all of them ^^;
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:09PM
Ozoneocean at 8:07PM, June 30, 2007
posts: 28,812
joined: 1-2-2004
Seriously, cold knees? Circulation maybe, are your feet cold too?
Heh, not inside my uggboots… You could be right about circulation though. I should take up running :P
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
hat at 9:37PM, June 30, 2007
posts: 449
joined: 8-27-2006
I had/have some pretty strange allergies.

I used to be allergic to eggs, now I'm allergic to apples and that is no yolk. Apples in their raw fruit form screw me up, I can eat applesauce and pies and stuff though.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:45PM
junoblairb at 4:20PM, July 1, 2007
posts: 348
joined: 10-19-2006
Seriously, cold knees? Circulation maybe, are your feet cold too?
Heh, not inside my uggboots… You could be right about circulation though. I should take up running :P

Ja, I'm trying to figure this one out too. Cold knees? I can't even figure out how that would feel. But I do have the constant cold feet due to the poor circulation (see neuropathy). If it is like that I've found that things like yoga actually help more than running. And stand your ass up more often as well. XD
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
vgman at 1:06PM, July 5, 2007
posts: 2,164
joined: 10-4-2006
well i have broken my left arm left wrist right clavical (fancy name for sholder) and my left arm agin all in that order. the docter says im gona have REAL bad authritis once i get old. got all of them playing sports so now i sit at home fat and happy playing vidoe games and surfing the net. did i mention im high risk diabites. mom and dad both have it.
RIP TD :cry2:
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:40PM
Argent_Nightmare at 2:15AM, July 6, 2007
posts: 932
joined: 6-20-2007
I have a lot of scars. Mostly minor things… had stitches two or three times.
I had some skin condition that was, essentially, a rash whose only symptom was ugly splotches on my legs… luckily it lasted only a little while, in my case.
Uh, lessee… what else.
My bones creak… and crack… and pop, shift, slide, snap, etc etc. I'll find out eventually if that's a medical thing, or just growth.
My spine is funky, as is my right wrist, right knee, and left shoulder. all of them have been injured in some way… none of them were treated. I also had a funny pop in my right ankle that would loudly proclaim me every time I walked accompanied by shooting pains, but that one fixed itself.

Hm. Spine… I've fallen onto my spine where my neck meets my shoulders… while my head was forward, so I landed full-force on it. did I mention this was from several feet up into the air? Somewhere between 4 and 5 feet… off of a trampoline. I've also hurt my spine by landing on top of a friend of mine on a trampoline. Uh… I slouch when I sit, which doesn't help.
Right wrist… I fell off a a trampoline onto it… (same day as I fell off the same trampoline, onto my spine–see above.) It never worked the same after that. It's flexible, but far weaker… though the wet ripping sound was priceless. I've also backhanded the corner of a brick wall in just such a way as to catch it right in the join of my wrist, causing it to snap back. That didn't even hurt, exactly, but I thought it was worth mentioning regardless.
Right knee… not much to say about this one. I habitually put my right foot onto my left knee… and it caused my right knee to get jacked painfully once, and now I can't do that anymore.
As for my left shoulder… I can make it crack and pop on command. If I injure it any further, I'll be able to dislocate it at will, I think.

All in all, I'm in good health. I've been to the hospital twice in my life… only been treated once, though… and I didn't go their in a state of emergency. I was fixed before we even left, but I needed to be at the hospital for paperwork and so my parents could see me and my new wound. I still have a few small bald spots from that'un.

Hm. I'm a lucky bastard, really. I have a scoundrel's luck, since I only get hurt once in awhile, and when I do, I can bounce back after a brief rest.
I'm still eagerly anticipating my first ripped tendon and/or muscle, though! :D
My nipples are an ocean of pain.
When it comes to prostitution, the price is…um, Bob Barker.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:01AM

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