I'm With Riot

Battle Plans
teddibaer at 11:16AM, May 17, 2007
posts: 34
joined: 4-3-2006
Even though our numbers grow with the justice of our cause, many have joined Zac's side simply because he is a pretty boy. We need a countermeasure. I suggest… a bishie figurhead. Any takers?

The second weapon of persuasion has been cookies. As of now, they have better cookies. Ours explode, because they are grenades (http://www.drunkduck.com/RPGCrazed_A_Drunk_Duck_Civil_War_Event/).
We have the technology. We can bake them faster, softer, more scrumdiddlyumptious. If baked goods is all that is necessary to lure the weak-minded, then I say let them eat cake!

On a relatively serious brainstorming note, it would be a good idea to hook up with a team Zac member and do ‘fight to the death’ crossovers. Hit lists are fun.
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Azaeziel at 2:44PM, May 18, 2007
posts: 106
joined: 9-28-2006
The main problem with ‘fight to the death’ sequences is, well, someone dies. Fight to the surrender or escape seems to work pretty well so far, and allows for repeat fights and rivalries. Still, good idea in general.

When I read the title of the thread, I thought it was gonna be about asking Mr. Riot what the general plan of battle for the Riot team was gonna be. How do we win this fight? (Hopefully Mr. Riot will read this and clue us in so we can try and incorporate hints about it in our individual comics and stuff.) If there is no master plan yet on how to win, we can always just discuss our general lack of organization here as well, and hope that a few Zac supporters read it and get confused and think that we have no plan.

Anyway, cool.
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Ocka at 10:39PM, May 18, 2007
posts: 157
joined: 3-4-2007
Well.. hte only person who is gonig to die in my comic is the evil blonde…

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Glarg at 5:49PM, May 19, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
I will gladly stand up and be the Bishie-Figure head.

DIBS! I called it!
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NekkoXIII at 10:56PM, May 19, 2007
posts: 60
joined: 1-6-2006
You can have it Glarg…though thinking of you all bishie is …well…odd.
“You'd be surprised how much planning goes into chaos…”
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Evil_Snuffkin at 3:06AM, May 20, 2007
posts: 934
joined: 1-6-2006
Lol, I think Glarg should be allowed to be our bishie, it'd be all …alternative XD

I think Zac might win hands down on pretty hair tho
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Glarg at 7:28AM, May 20, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006

thinking of you all bishie is …well…odd.

It may be odd but have you read Draxenn's Civil war story yet, Im kind of a Bishie in there :D

I think Zac might win hands down on pretty hair tho

Who needs hair when you have MUSCLE!
*does the General Armstrong arm flex (pink sparkles and shirt rip off is included)*
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Hero at 8:13AM, May 20, 2007
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
Well, I'm leaning towards anime style, have lots of hair and there was that one non-cannocal page, but no. Mine is not the way of the Bishonen, no matter how adorably fuzzy I may be. I'll leave that to you Glarg.

But bishies alone don't win a war. We need to talk weaponry. Our biggest problem is not support. We have much greater support than the Zacettes. Ours is a question of weaponry. Zac's forces have corporate backing, access to far greater weaponry and destructive capabillities, and a trained army of footsoldiers. We've got a loose gaggle of stuff I peiced together, Ocka's robots and some angry, untrained street fighters, armed with whatever they can carry. Now, another thing we have going for us is several intelligent people who are quite able to make something from nothing. So, what I want to know is, what kind of weaponry do we need to overcome these corporate fatcats?
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Glarg at 9:57AM, May 20, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
Well, I'm leaning towards anime style, have lots of hair and there was that one non-cannocal page, but no. Mine is not the way of the Bishonen, no matter how adorably fuzzy I may be. I'll leave that to you Glarg.

But bishies alone don't win a war. We need to talk weaponry. Our biggest problem is not support. We have much greater support than the Zacettes. Ours is a question of weaponry. Zac's forces have corporate backing, access to far greater weaponry and destructive capabillities, and a trained army of footsoldiers. We've got a loose gaggle of stuff I peiced together, Ocka's robots and some angry, untrained street fighters, armed with whatever they can carry. Now, another thing we have going for us is several intelligent people who are quite able to make something from nothing. So, what I want to know is, what kind of weaponry do we need to overcome these corporate fatcats?

Well, I have a gun that shoots anti-matter.

And im sure I can build another UFO equipped with lasers and anal probes.
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TheTopHat at 5:55AM, May 21, 2007
posts: 172
joined: 2-22-2007
A lot of suff in the invenet bag of tricks and an armory.
Ask and ill got get it… though i cant say that i have a personal footsoldiers.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Stich at 4:31PM, May 21, 2007
posts: 183
joined: 5-17-2006
Glarg a bishie?….*bursts out laughing ear piercing laugh(my laugh is loud, obnoxiouse, and can apperently be mistaken for screamming)*& YUou?! A bishie?! AAAAHAAAHAHAHAHA! I can't-I can't-BREATH!!! Aaaaaahahahaha! *in pain from lasughter*( Oh God, it hurts. It hur-hur-hur-hurts-ha ha! Ohhh God…*catches breath* Ok, no…just no…the translation of Bishonen is “beutiful man,” and you Glarg, are a bald alien…you are, like…the polar oposite of bishie…

Also, on the weapon side, my friend Carbon and I are pretty good atr making war machines. Also, my friends are demons. All of them. Can make contact with them very easily to, although how many will be willing to come to earth-most demons in my world aren't fans of mortals-is unknown. Maby, 3-5. Good enough for a gorillas squad.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Ocka at 5:16PM, May 21, 2007
posts: 157
joined: 3-4-2007
yes I have robots…and my robots compared to the P forces… blah… Robots > them…. now don't worry, I'll sonn be revealing the ultimate robot! muhahaha!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Glarg at 3:21AM, May 22, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
Glarg a bishie?….*bursts out laughing ear piercing laugh(my laugh is loud, obnoxiouse, and can apperently be mistaken for screamming)*& YUou?! A bishie?! AAAAHAAAHAHAHAHA! I can't-I can't-BREATH!!! Aaaaaahahahaha! *in pain from lasughter*( Oh God, it hurts. It hur-hur-hur-hurts-ha ha! Ohhh God…*catches breath* Ok, no…just no…the translation of Bishonen is “beutiful man,” and you Glarg, are a bald alien…you are, like…the polar oposite of bishie…

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Hero at 6:22AM, May 22, 2007
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
Okay, not a big fan of contract demons and anal probes. War machines and UFO's I'm down with.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
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Azaeziel at 11:36AM, May 22, 2007
posts: 106
joined: 9-28-2006
Demons are notoriously hard to keep to a contract… Heheh… And Anal probes can only go so far, but Glarg as a Bishie sounds good to me. (Bald guys can be way hot!) Ocka's Chibi gun would be useful against some of the Zacites, but then it just might make some of them eye-bleedingly cute, so… Maybe, ummm, Something to tear the very fabric of reality and send all the Zacites off to some alternate universe from which they can never escape and where they will sleep and dream horrible dreams of revenge for all eternity, or at least until we relent and let them come back? Or UFOs, yeah, those are fun too.
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Glarg at 12:38PM, May 22, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
UFOs, yeah, those are fun too.

We can lift people into the ship, we can shoot them with lasers while they're suspended in air, we can fry their brains out with heatwaves!
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Stich at 2:13PM, May 22, 2007
posts: 183
joined: 5-17-2006
Contract demons? No, no, no, no, no, ytou miss-understand. No contracts. That's only for something personal, like a body gaurd or something trivial, like getting something they realy want. No, I'm saying I can litteraly call my friends, and eather a.) call in a favor, b.) bribe them, or c.) threaten them. Eather way tipicaly works in my favore.
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Ocka at 7:28PM, May 25, 2007
posts: 157
joined: 3-4-2007
I say we look for a hero you can bend time, and once we find that hero, we can go to the past, and slap zack in the face!… wait maybe that's what starts this whole thing?!?

Okay nvm… don't want to mess with time…

I say we find there base..blow it up, then from there we look for the zacites and send them to the negative zone! Or to the Kitten demension where they msut fight off thier kitten counter parts!

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Evil_Snuffkin at 11:18AM, May 26, 2007
posts: 934
joined: 1-6-2006
Or to the Kitten demension where they msut fight off thier kitten counter parts!

I'd totally vote for that XD
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Hero at 6:59AM, May 27, 2007
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
Kitten dimensional vortex generator? Sounds like a plan! Now, how does the voting public feel about robotic shark mounted laser cannons?
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Stich at 7:47AM, May 27, 2007
posts: 183
joined: 5-17-2006
Sounds like it would only work if we had a giant tank of water, which-oddly enough-I happen to have.
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Ocka at 5:51PM, May 28, 2007
posts: 157
joined: 3-4-2007
Well I'm gnoing tos tart making one of them dimensional portals then!

The shark thing…. Lets go for it!

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Azaeziel at 10:54AM, May 29, 2007
posts: 106
joined: 9-28-2006
Ohhhh… Ocka, can you make it so they have to fight the eye-bleedingly cute Chibi-Kitten versions of themselves? I know you have a Chibi-Gun to work from, how about that? Then, during the fighting, they have to dodge shots from the sharks with the lasers on their heads, and aviod getting caught in the UFO tractor beams and random heat rays!

Hmmm… This plan sounds like it's getting rather complicated. =D
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Ocka at 12:20AM, June 2, 2007
posts: 157
joined: 3-4-2007
3 days later

Yes…very complicated now… *dizy*

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Stich at 4:59PM, June 3, 2007
posts: 183
joined: 5-17-2006
Make it a tourny! First: Fight the kittens! Sevcond: Fight the CHIBI-kittens! Third: fight the sharks! Fourth: uh….Oh! I know! Demon horde! I know a good few with chips on theuir shoulders who'd LOVE to beat the tar out of humans!
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Glarg at 7:18AM, June 4, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
and aviod getting caught in the UFO tractor beams

Once you get caught, there's no escape and BAM right up uranus with the anal probe.
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DruidJP585 at 10:28AM, June 4, 2007
posts: 68
joined: 1-8-2006
I have a huge bulking bobby trapped bag full of gemstones just waiting to be transformed into blinding, burning, and freezing traps. A good gemstone with just the right spells attached can make a pretty devastating landmine.
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“There are people changing forms. There are people changing sides.
Who is friend now, and who is foe though.”
“This is what its like when worlds collide.”-Powerman
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teddibaer at 5:42PM, June 5, 2007
posts: 34
joined: 4-3-2006
Make it a tourny! First: Fight the kittens! Sevcond: Fight the CHIBI-kittens!
But… kittens are cute! I don't wanna beat up on kittens! Double everything for chibi-kittens.

Weapon stock: A bunch of plastic swords, some plush character dolls, random junk, and a few pillows. Suddenly I realize why I'm so useless in a fight.
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last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
teddibaer at 5:49PM, June 5, 2007
posts: 34
joined: 4-3-2006
the translation of Bishonen is “beutiful man,” and you Glarg, are a bald alien…you are, like…the polar oposite of bishie…

I take it that you have never heard the song “You're an Alien Sex Fiend”. Glarg can be promoted as, like, a discolored version of some chexy bald guy.
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Nobody gets lonely like a teddy bear.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM
Stich at 6:46PM, June 5, 2007
posts: 183
joined: 5-17-2006
……still not bishie.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:29AM

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