My husband, Mike (Ethan) and I used to have a lot of fun on this site, even sat in at a convention. Our primary comic was, “Marital Bliss???” (Quit writing it back in 2011 when we got pregnant.) Two kids and a life lived later…..Well, Mike died earlier this month. Blissfully married for 22 Years, with him for 30, my Grenn. Then SHAZAM! I'm a widow, a single mother to two funktastic children…that was NOT the plan. He was the sensitive artist and I was just his muse. So, you can imagine I am alone without my soulmate. I am swirling in grief and overwhelming sadness. So, remembering good times, looking through his art, a bit inspired?
We had just bought a farm and he has started a new business, all was going according to plan, then BAM! No more American Dream. He left over 30 sketchbooks filled with movie pitches, comics, screenplays and novels that he commanded I go through and try to make something of on his deathbed…. I get the rest of my days to raise our 7 and 9 year old and try to get over my Superman.
Started dabbling with a new comic, will post something soon. Cheers, Stay safe my friends and hug em if you got em.
Jen (Lynn)
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
We Meet Again....
at 7:36PM, May 2, 2020
last edited on May 3, 2020 4:48AM
at 11:21PM, May 2, 2020
Jen, I'm so sorry about your irreparable loss. I can't even imagine how you feel. But, you must keep going on for you and your childs.
We in the community, are here for you.
We in the community, are here for you.
at 1:22AM, July 20, 2020
maritalbliss wrote:
My husband, Mike (Ethan) and I used to have a lot of fun on this site, even sat in at a convention. Our primary comic was, “Marital Bliss???” (Quit writing it back in 2011 when we got pregnant.) Two kids and a life lived later…..Well, Mike died earlier this month. Blissfully married for 22 Years, with him for 30, my Grenn. Then SHAZAM! I'm a widow, a single mother to two funktastic children…that was NOT the plan. He was the sensitive artist and I was just his muse. So, you can imagine I am alone without my soulmate. I am swirling in grief and overwhelming sadness. So, remembering good times, looking through his art, a bit inspired?
We had just bought a farm and he has started a new business, all was going according to plan, then BAM! No more American Dream. He left over 30 sketchbooks filled with movie pitches, comics, screenplays and novels that he commanded I go through and try to make something of on his deathbed…. I get the rest of my days to raise our 7 and 9 year old and try to get over my Superman.
Started dabbling with a new comic, will post something soon. Cheers, Stay safe my friends and hug em if you got em.
Jen (Lynn)
Jeeez… I remember youguys. I'm so sorry :(
I only just read this now :(
at 12:37PM, July 20, 2020
Welcome back Jen. We're honoured that you're returning during such a challenging time in your life. I'm really sorry about your loss. I hope we get to see you a lot. Looking forward to your stuff :)
at 1:47PM, July 20, 2020
Hey! I know you!
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must be. You and Mike were an amazing team. And you are an amazing woman.
(I was so excited to see who posted, but then deeply saddened to read your post. Roller coaster of emotions.)
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must be. You and Mike were an amazing team. And you are an amazing woman.
(I was so excited to see who posted, but then deeply saddened to read your post. Roller coaster of emotions.)
last edited on July 20, 2020 3:34PM
at 1:23PM, Aug. 3, 2020
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