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Still homeless, and still trying to make comics [Major update]
Furwerk studio at 5:38PM, March 19, 2023
posts: 241
joined: 12-18-2019
I posted about being homeless back in February, nothing really changed since than.
Mom keeps getting little money back here and there and got one tax return but blew through 1,500 in a week on a honestly crappy but expensive hotel room because I am just feeling defeated, only surviving because of my comic and the strong urge to meet geek girls.

I found a way to make new pages on my phone, even now started going full color on them (the post 280's pages will be in color).

But it doesn't get food or a roof, and that is depressing the hell out of me because home is insisting I make it into a business. And the lastest attempt to get commissions failed, badly.

Actually it seems a theme because in the past two months when we got kicked out of the hotels I was constantly told to pull off two hundred dollars a day “for just one more night”, I got lucky twice with two one hundred dollars donations on two different occasions, and pepper it with my friends wanting the odd twenty or fifty dollar commission here and there that help with food, everything else came from family, her friends and the hopper app.

We had been at the Fort Lauderdale airport for a good month, give or take a few days, because… Honestly it is the safest place to keep physical clean here as the homeless services are designed to be gamed by professionally homeless, not used by people that want to get a job and a place to stay.

I am very run down, feeling not human at times. Listening to my mom complain about skipping food, despite me getting boxes of chicken from a grocery store literally three miles away from the airport, and when money came in got these small egg bites instead from Starbucks, that have her almost lethal food poisoning, which ment more not eating, and telling my to buy sandwiches from the airport store for myself, which was 10 bucks a piece.

I am complaining because I don't want to die on the street or wind up in jail, and just going through horrible depression right now.

But at least I can still make comics.
InkyMoondrop at 7:34PM, March 19, 2023
posts: 250
joined: 7-14-2022
Hey Furwerk. Sorry to hear the struggle is ongoing. Two hundred dollars a day just to stay at somewhere sure sounds a lot to someone like me, who has to make things work from about 800 a month including bills, food, everything, but I'm also not unfamiliar with being homeless, there was a good one and a half year period when I earned less, than a 100 USD a month from a job that honestly would've been 3 people's work, including cleaning toilets and so I mostly just had to sleep on the floor at my workplace in secret if I didn't want to sleep in a tent somewhere or bother my friends to camp on their couch all the time and this was during a time when they practically ciminalized being homeless and took ppl in jail for sleeping on the streets. So I can relate.

I never commissioned art, because what's a reasonable 100 USD to most artists, is usually my entire savings for a month (or less) and while I see ethical problems with AI art, I can't exactly say I'm in a position to just commission whatever I'd need + the whole you shouldn't get any art unless you're rich or struggle for 10+ years to learn how to draw - argument just makes me angry. But I'm not against supporting artists in need if there's a window. Perhaps you could share some info on how your commissions work? I couldn't exactly spread the word with my total of 4 followers on twitter (out of which at least 2 are already from here) but perhaps others could and would…? And hey, I might be able to work a 50 in your pocket for a commission, just have to work out the details, since I'm not usually furry art-oriented with characters. If that's something that'd help.
last edited on March 19, 2023 7:52PM
J_Scarbrough at 8:04PM, March 19, 2023
posts: 616
joined: 8-23-2022
That sounds like a very familiar tune: my family and I have stayed in hotels for rather lengthy durations a number of times when I was growing up, and yeah, after about a couple of months or so, they look for any reason to get rid of you.

As for being in Ft. Lauderdale, well, you really have my sympathies . . . I spent a week down there on vacation once as a kid . . . what a miserable town; dirty, grungy, hotternell. . . .

But seriously, it's such difficult, trying times right now.

Joseph Scarbrough
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kawaiidaigakusei at 8:48PM, March 19, 2023
posts: 769
joined: 3-23-2007
I began reading Nakamura Rex (Adult Only) recently and it has a REALLY interesting story that ventures into places and situations that very few comics or people have experienced. I would totally support your ability to create had I known there were commissions available.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Furwerk studio at 2:17PM, March 30, 2023
posts: 241
joined: 12-18-2019
Furwerk studio wrote:
InkyMoondrop wrote:
Hey Furwerk. Sorry to hear the struggle is ongoing. Two hundred dollars a day just to stay at somewhere sure sounds a lot to someone like me, who has to make things work from about 800 a month including bills, food, everything, but I'm also not unfamiliar with being homeless, there was a good one and a half year period when I earned less, than a 100 USD a month from a job that honestly would've been 3 people's work, including cleaning toilets and so I mostly just had to sleep on the floor at my workplace in secret if I didn't want to sleep in a tent somewhere or bother my friends to camp on their couch all the time and this was during a time when they practically ciminalized being homeless and took ppl in jail for sleeping on the streets. So I can relate.

I never commissioned art, because what's a reasonable 100 USD to most artists, is usually my entire savings for a month (or less) and while I see ethical problems with AI art, I can't exactly say I'm in a position to just commission whatever I'd need + the whole you shouldn't get any art unless you're rich or struggle for 10+ years to learn how to draw - argument just makes me angry. But I'm not against supporting artists in need if there's a window. Perhaps you could share some info on how your commissions work? I couldn't exactly spread the word with my total of 4 followers on twitter (out of which at least 2 are already from here) but perhaps others could and would…? And hey, I might be able to work a 50 in your pocket for a commission, just have to work out the details, since I'm not usually furry art-oriented with characters. If that's something that'd help.

It helps greatly, I can do human based art, ish. Sending a note to work out the details.

J_Scarbrough wrote:
That sounds like a very familiar tune: my family and I have stayed in hotels for rather lengthy durations a number of times when I was growing up, and yeah, after about a couple of months or so, they look for any reason to get rid of you.

As for being in Ft. Lauderdale, well, you really have my sympathies . . . I spent a week down there on vacation once as a kid . . . what a miserable town; dirty, grungy, hotternell. . . .

But seriously, it's such difficult, trying times right now.
Honestly after being in Phoenix for a while it seems to be a pretty okay place, but that's just me and missing the East coast.
kawaiidaigakusei wrote:
I began reading Nakamura Rex (Adult Only) recently and it has a REALLY interesting story that ventures into places and situations that very few comics or people have experienced. I would totally support your ability to create had I known there were commissions available.

Aw, thank you so much.

Truth be told I usually reserve doing commissions are a full emergency thing, preferring to make comics or a game to sell.

Thank you everyone for the support, it helps a lot.
Furwerk studio at 2:18PM, March 30, 2023
posts: 241
joined: 12-18-2019
I have horrible news, my mom broke her wrist pretty badly.
She was going for a job interview, trip and fell, trying to brace herself she broke her wrist and needed an er visit.
I hope you don't mind this kind of update system but I didn't want to flood the entire forum with hundreds of little posts. Just, I don't know what to say right now.
(Edit: I did some post cleaning up there.)
J_Scarbrough at 2:41PM, March 30, 2023
posts: 616
joined: 8-23-2022
Sheesh. Reminds me of the time several years ago my mom, totally at random, seriously screwed up her whole knee - I mean absolutely nothing in her knee escaped unscathed; she's permanently disabled now because of it. Hopefully your mom's wrist can heal with time though.

Joseph Scarbrough
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