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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 28, 2018
tags: Issues, news, upgrades

DD has been upgraded to HTTPS so you will need to log into the site again.
If you can’t remember your password or find it in your browser settings please send an email to ozoneocean AT gmail DOT com!
Or contact us on facebook at

We now have notifications for comments and replies!
That's what your donations paid for!
This means that if you have a reply to something you wrote on a comic then you can actually find out about it and read it! Or if you have a comment on a page in your archives 50 pages deep then you will KNOW it!

We're sorry about logging you out!
Google, Firefox, Chrome etc have forced that onto us. We HAD to change over to HTTPS so that causes the login issue. This site doesn't NEED HTTPS obviously, since we store no critical personal info or bank details etc or even logins to social media, but there it is.
You may still get warnings that the site isn't fully secure: this is because images on the site can't all be made HTTPS overnight. DD members have posted images from all over. These are not a security issue so don't worry.

Enjoy the comment and comment reply notifications and tell us if you have issues.



AmeliaP at 4:49PM, June 30, 2018

Oh yeah! Everything is working perfectly for me :)

PaulEberhardt at 3:37AM, June 30, 2018

Applause to the programmers!

Ozoneocean at 10:11AM, June 29, 2018


MegaRdaniels at 5:16AM, June 29, 2018

Weeee!!!!! Merry Duckmas!!!! :)

Ozoneocean at 6:41PM, June 28, 2018

Thanks to all who donated! Thankyou Bo for donating a whole lot man!

Albino Ginger at 2:44PM, June 28, 2018


GuyWithChainsaw at 1:33PM, June 28, 2018

That's sounds super helpfull! I will no longer miss a comment

KimLuster at 12:33PM, June 28, 2018

Mine is working now! Weird!! Let's chalk it up to web weirdness and call it a day!!

dpat57 at 10:58AM, June 28, 2018

It's a smart system and it cranks the site usability up a level, good job!

Ozoneocean at 10:41AM, June 28, 2018

I don't have that issuemyself. I will have to test from an account without admin powers.

Ozoneocean at 10:37AM, June 28, 2018

That's Kim. I'll get Alexey to look at that when he's around again!

KimLuster at 10:27AM, June 28, 2018

add: I've noticed the URL has extra directory data at the end when you click on the green box (to set you to the exact comment) whereas the page link just takes you to the page. Something about that is causing the issue, maybe...

KimLuster at 10:25AM, June 28, 2018

It seems, when I click on the 'comment link' in the green box, I can't reply to the comment, but if I click on the page link just above it, I can! Tried a few times! Is this a global issue, or just something I'm experiencing? Still a great feature!!

Avart at 9:21AM, June 28, 2018

Excellent! This makes DD a better place to live :)

ashtree house at 9:02AM, June 28, 2018


Ironscarf at 8:05AM, June 28, 2018

Oooh, nice!

bravo1102 at 7:30AM, June 28, 2018

Super awesome! Used it several times already! Everyone has no more excuse not to comment and comment often!

awsome owl 98 at 7:17AM, June 28, 2018

I didn't personally get logged out but maybe that's just me.

Banes at 6:42AM, June 28, 2018


Ozoneocean at 6:28AM, June 28, 2018

You can see the revised top bar with new links on the test site here:

mks_monsters at 6:25AM, June 28, 2018

Finally! I can be notified of comments and replies! This makes me so happy!

Fantasticbrick at 6:07AM, June 28, 2018

It's amazing!

Tantz_Aerine at 5:56AM, June 28, 2018


KimLuster at 5:13AM, June 28, 2018

Very Nice!!

stinger9 at 4:39AM, June 28, 2018

Aw yeah! No more trawling through old pages on the off chance someone commented! Can't really put a price on that!

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