Not much site update news this week so I thought I'd help promote this two big community projects instead!
Have you heard of the latest DD anthology project? What IS the DD anthology? Well it's a community project that's done to help the site pay for ...
QUACKCAST 544 - Horrorrorrrorrrrr
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 17, 2021 LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher -
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
We have a special guest today, my ex, Miss_Judged. She's onboard with the whole group of Tantz, Banes, Pit and I because she's super duper ...
QUACKCAST 540 - DD crash update and tests of character
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 20, 2021 LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher -
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
On Friday the 16th the site was down for a while. Nasty, but we fixed that and chatted to our programmer Alexey about starting the update program ...
Upgrading the Machine
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 12, 2020
There are a lot of discussions pertaining to the idea that artificial intelligence and brain implants will be a huge part of the future. Cyborgs are a topic demonstrated in science fiction, such as when the Borg assimilated Captain Picard and seduced Data in Star Trek. It is argued that ...
The Drunk Duck Anthology...Oh, the HORROR!!
PIT_FACE at 12:00AM, Aug. 2, 2020
Greetings, Fowl Fiends. It is I, the spectral lamentation known as PIT-FACE!
I have been torn from my lurid sepulcher to inform you dreadful Ducks that your votes have been cast! Behold your ill-fate! The theme for the Drunk Duck anthology is:
That’s right, it’s time to ...
The first webcomic page
Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 25, 2019
I’m in the process of moving house and I took the opportunity to go through some childhood belongings. During my excavation I stumbled across the very first comic page I ever drew. This was quite the find as I had long believed that my first ever webcomic, with its ...
Quackcast 381 - site upgrades and messing with creators
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 3, 2018 LISTEN!
We talk about all the new upgrades that DD has just gotten: the new comment notification and reply features (a huge thank you to all who donated and helped out with that!!!), our new notification icons, getting HTTPS on the site, moving to the new ad system after the ...
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 28, 2018
DD has been upgraded to HTTPS so you will need to log into the site again.
If you can’t remember your password or find it in your browser settings please send an email to ozoneocean AT gmail DOT com!
Or contact us on facebook at ...