We talk about all the new upgrades that DD has just gotten: the new comment notification and reply features (a huge thank you to all who donated and helped out with that!!!), our new notification icons, getting HTTPS on the site, moving to the new ad system after the fall of Project wonderful, maybe starting a Patreon for DD, and Tantz's Sunday Twitter features. We also chat about Tantz's latest newspost and Mks Monster's thread that it was based on: basically the idea of forcing creators into boxes. The idea that women should create certain kinds of work and men should create others.
Gunwallace gave us a lovely theme to Sky Commander. This is a very futuristic sounding track, at first glance it’s a little modern for the 1940s set comic but I like to think of it as the flight theme of the Sky Commander as he zooms through the clouds in his shiny metal Streamline Moderne gear, producing an expanding vapour trail behind him, crisp and white against the eggshell blue sky.
Topics and shownotes
Featured comic:
Bob and Rob -
Site upgrades! -
Tantz's Twitter Features -
Proving your Progressiveness (Tantz newspost) -
Messing with creators (thread) -
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace -
Tantz Aerine -
Banes -
Pitface -
Ozoneocean -
Featured music:
Sky Commander -, by Coydog, rated T.
Quackcast 381 - site upgrades and messing with creators
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 3, 2018
Bob and Rob,
Drunk Duck,
featured comic,
featured theme,
Quackcast 381,
site upgrades and messing with creators,
Sky Commander,
Tantz Aerine,
Webcomics community
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
cdmalcolm1 at 5:21PM, July 8, 2018
I have to say something about the whole MKs Monsters issue. What is the reason that anyone from a stereo topical view cannot accept the type of creative flow of the individual? In every race, creed, and breed we have our happy, sad, a-hole, vain and countless other quarks. Example : pitface I thought was a male just from the comic she drew. I was suprised and very proud that a story like Bones was created by woman. I love her flow of the comic and her flow here in the quackcast. So Mks Monster I didn’t know was woman until I heard it on this quackcast. Not that it matters I just love the story of Dr. j and Mr. H. she is telling. I think it is a damn shame that ppl are being negative because it don’t feed into a “female role”. Pure nonsense. Anyway, you all rock. Keep it coming. PS. Love the comment feature btw.