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QUACKCAST 437 - Old Warhorse

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 30, 2019

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Today we cover the interesting trope of the “old warrior”. This was based upon a newspost Banes came up with last week. He was thinking of Captain Picard in the latest Star Trek series and he also brought up Luke Skywalker from the latest Star Wars movie. The “Old Warrior” makes a really cool protagonist, in this Quackcast we try and discover why that is…

Well we came up with a few insights!

-First up, the “old warrior” is often a side character in the secondary role of a mentor, i.e. someone there to hand things over to the next generation. Personally I think that's the most boring way to use them, they work FAR better as a main character rather than support for one.

-Second, the “old warrior” has mostly been traditionally male but doesn't have to be, there are some great female ones like Ripley in the Aliens series, Laurie from the latest Halloween movie, and Sarah Conner from Terminator 2 and the latest version of that series.

-Thirdly, the “old warrior” doesn't HAVE to actually be old at all, all they need to quality is to be experienced, to be a veteran of the type of situation they're facing, and to “know death”, they can be a child soldier and still qualify.

-And that brings us to number four: “knowing death”. This is interesting! Your usual protagonist generally seems to think they're immortal, but your “old warrior” doesn't. They've seen death, probably a few too many times and managed to escape unscathed so far, but they know it's always drawing closer with every step they take and diving into this new mission just might be the end of them… every new adventure could be their very last. This adds an unusual frisson and spice to their story.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Sunstrike and Bluemist, an origin story: Plotting, sneaking, stealthily creeping, sidling along in the shadows. Action, danger covert missions, and secrets! This jaunty tune is the perfect spy theme.

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Featured comic:
The Great Khan -

Featured music:
Sunstrike and Bluemist -, by ShaRose49, rated T.


Banes' Old Warrior newspost -

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace -
Tantz Aerine -
Banes -
Ozoneocean -
Pitface -



Ozoneocean at 9:30AM, July 30, 2019

He's a great composer isn't he? XD

ShaRose49 at 8:30AM, July 30, 2019

I am not gifted in writing music myself, so this is really special

ShaRose49 at 8:24AM, July 30, 2019

This was super awesome! Thanks so much to Gunwallace for that awesome theme, I’m flattered! It was really cool and pretty accurate, sounded like it could fit for some scenes!

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