Our friend Genejoke has brought back his community comic “Lite Bites”.
What say you, Genejoke?
'ello, Genejoke here. You might have noticed that over the last couple of weeks I've been posting daily updates of a comic called Lite bites.
Hands up if you remember Lite Bites?
Okay that's maybe 5 of you.
Lite bites was a community project I ran back in the day, it's an anthology comic with no specific theme. It wasn't just stories, we did reviews too.
Back to present day, Lite bites is back from the grave. Currently I'm posting content originally posted in other similar projects I did such as we are the duck and twisted visions. Why repost them you didn't ask. Well I feel having one place for these things makes sense and it's a handy way of raising awareness for the ressurection while I try and drum up interest and collaborators.
Collaborators, who or what am I looking for? Anyone and everyone who wants to. Plain and simple. Your art isn't too rubbish, your scripts too silly. Well that said, no porn. It's a mature rated comic, so anything up to that is fine. Horror, comedy, action, drama, or whatever you can imagine.
How can you contribute?
Do you write? Do you draw? Do you do both? Maybe you fancy seeing what someone else does with your script, or want to illustrate someone else's writing.
How long do I have to complete it? However long you need, but I would ask you keep me updated from time to time or let me know if you are unable to finish it. If you're a writer send me you scripts when done and I'll try and get an artist on board.
I have a short story I posted somewhere before, can I submit it to lite bites?
Of course you can, well, as long as it hasn't been in lite bites before.
Will we be doing reviews again?
I'd like to but I'll need co reviewers. Volunteers please.
Can I request a review?
You will be able to when I have co reviewers ready. A thread will appear in the forums in due course.
If you have any questions or want to help, drop me a PQ.
PQ Genejoke:
LITE BITES has returned!
Banes at 12:00AM, April 1, 2021
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plymayer at 7:15AM, April 5, 2021