Photo: “Hawk! Urgh.” From HawkandFloAdventures: Ice Cream Truck of Doom, The Beginning of the End Page 13 (with cameo of Zombie Leona from Kawaii Daigakusei). Original story and art by HawkandFloAdventures. (November 2023)
Did you know that my original character, Leona, has made a cameo in the current story arc of HawkandFloAdventures: Ice Cream Truck of Doom?
HawkandFloAdventures writes:
“I'm glad you think so thank you for the feedback and thanks again for the Monday announcement ^^. When Thirley Peak hits 100 pages would I be ok to get a Milestone announcement along with Hawk and Flo Adventures hitting 800 pages? ^^;.
Hawk and Flo Adventures is already at 800 pages. ^^; you also have a recent cameo within H&F appearance so feel free to use your cameo as the image for the front page :D.
Thank you :)”
HawkandFloAdventures has been drawing more Thirley Peak and hopefully by next Monday it will definitely be at the 100 page milestone as well.
HawkandFloAdventures: Ice Cream Truck of Doom Link:
Participate in HawkandFloAdventures’ Community Art Collab in the Forums!
HawkandFloAdventures: I'm hosting an art collaboration that i've just posted in the forums. I hope it works out ^^
Hawk and Flo Art collab! Forum Link:
Bonus Question:
If you are a reader of Hawk and Flo Adventures: Ice Cream Truck of Doom and Hawk and Flo Adventures: The Last Space Wizard, then how are you finding Thirley peak so far? ^^
What's Quacking?
Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei.
Thirley Peak Ascends Closer to 100-Page Milestone While Hawk and Flo Adventures: Ice Cream Truck of Doom Passes the 800-Page Mark!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 13, 2023
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
StudioEverGreenArt at 10:00AM, Nov. 13, 2023
plymayer at 7:44AM, Nov. 13, 2023
HawkandFloAdventures at 7:02AM, Nov. 13, 2023
Thank you for the anouncement! The Hawk and Flo art collab will conclude on November 20th! Thank you to everyone who has entered the art collab so far!