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Dude in Distress by EssayBee Celebrates Milestone; Origin by Davidxolukoga Debuts Demo Next Week; HawkandFloAdventures Makes Festive Shoutouts

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 30, 2023

Photo: “Femme Fantastic”. Original story and characters created by EssayBee. (October 2023)

EssayBee writes:

Just wanted to drop an e-mail letting you know that Dude in Distress posted its 250th strip today (Oct 25). I'm attaching an image of Femme Fantastic to post the milestone. Thanks!

Dude in Distress Comic

Photo: “Origin Gameplay Screenshot”. Original story and characters created by davidxolukoga. (October 2023)

Davidxolukoga writes:


The demo for the soon to be released origin game is having it’s debut Sunday, Guy Fawkes night. Can’t wait for you to check it out.”

Gameplay Screenshot

Origin Comic

HawkandFloAdventures Makes Festive Shoutouts

HawkandFloAdventures writes:


I've gotten more backers since joining Tapas, as a result the end of chapter shoutout card for Globalcomix and Tapas will be going to once a month as opposed to every week. That way the comics are easier for newer readers to binge read.

The second thing is:

All supporters this year will be getting the festive shoutout. In the future it will be 5 available slots, supporters at certain tiers will get every festive shoutout. Everybody else will have to book it :).

HawkandFloAdventures Profile

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EssayBee at 8:27AM, Oct. 30, 2023

Thanks for the post!

HawkandFloAdventures at 4:15AM, Oct. 30, 2023

Wow thank you for doing this! You're awesome as always Kawai! :)

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