There's dark things going on, bad things are resurfacing as restless blood-soaked ghostly visions disturb the present and threaten to drag people back to trauma's past… Just what happened back then? And will it break those in the present? The art is all digital, very well drawn, stylised ...

JohnCelestri of Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel will be a Featured Guest at Lexington Comic Con this Year; All Ripping Off King Arthur Strips Are Now in One Place; TheDeeMan’s Novella “The Wee Ones” has been Reviewed by Horror Reads!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 6, 2025Notice of JohnCelestri Being Invited as a Featured Guest at Lexington Comic Con This Year
Photo: “JohnCelestri to be Featured Guest at Lexington Comic and Toy Con This Year”. (January 2025)
John Celestri writes:
“Hi, and Happy New Year to you!
I’ve been invited to the Lexington Comic -
Here ...
Poetry time 101: Caurcassus
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Dec. 22, 2024
Predicating Xerkes of Xanitorium
Sleeping forever within your crematorium
Allseeing in a vacuum watching
Blessmade by mindframed swatching
Your pets are dancing in the flying blaze of Babylon
Inside Caurcassus stands Mnemnon in a bloodied pantalon
Predicating respite of knowledge behind columns of moratorium
Predicating Xerxes of Xanitorium
Poetry Time 100: Exit
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Dec. 15, 2024
The final revelation is revealed.
Found by heart, fouled by tears
The worst fears come before the dawn
Past shadows, future days
A last erase of that collapsing embrace
The blood is beat, the sighs depart
Alas, my heart celebrates its way out
TheDeeMan Has Started a New horror Series on Amazon!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 18, 2024
Photo: “The Wee Ones: A Serialized Horror Story, Part One”. The Wee Ones by TheDeeMan. (November 2024)
TheDeeMan writes:
I just wanted to drop you a note to let you and the DD fam know that I started a new horror “short reads” series on Amazon titled “The Wee ...
Casscade is Searching for Characters to Cast as Cameos in Comic; Mercury Virus Comic Touchdowns with 1-0-0 Page Milestone, Debuts New Release of Grapeshot; VIDEO: JohnCelestri Teaches Lesson on Alternative Comics; Tantz Aerine Makes Urgent Call for Ducks to Migrate Over to Bluesky
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 21, 2024
Photo: “Chapter 2 Cover”. Withdrawn created by Casscade. (January 2023)
Casscade writes:
"Hey guys! Looking to add background cameos for some upcoming scenes that'll involve a restaurant, bar, and train.
What I'm looking for:
-Character has to be human.
-Character has to be 21+.
-Character has to wear ...
Poetry Time 86: Best or Beast
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Sept. 8, 2024
There’s gonna be a scrap and we cheer, so hear.
The blood of the primordials come to gather the pieces
There’s gonna be a scrap and we dare, so care.
The mud of the immortals gone to scatter the pieces
There’s gonna be a scrap and we ...
Poetry Time 85: Exit
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Sept. 1, 2024
The final revelation is revealed.
Found by heart, fouled by tears
The worst fears come before the dawn
Past shadows, future days
A last erase of that collapsing embrace
The blood is beat, the sighs depart
Alas, my heart celebrates its way out
NaaN (Now, always and Never)
Character Deep Dive: Nicodemus Blacroft
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 31, 2024
August ends today, and we pick things right back up with another character deep dive, this time of the fascinating Nicodemus Blacroft from the comic Devil’s Blood by the amazing Dragonsong12!
Devil’s Blood is the story of a city in crisis and the people that are trying to ...
Poetry Time 84: Primordial Shell
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Aug. 25, 2024
Primordial coil rituals my blood
To be sanctified in un-zang nerve-ending to depart
Where you were, I return. Where you burned, I rekindle.
Primordial foil pictures my gods.
To be sacrificed in un-rang soul-mending to unchart
Primordial soil freeze me free
NaaN (Now, always and Never)