Attention! Denizens Interviewed - Contests A'Plenty - Gas Prices Down

skoolmunkee at 11:47PM, Sept. 13, 2009

This just in, early edition late breaking news hot off the press! Another DD user interview is up! Annie2495 interviews MadMindInk of Denizens! Attention!

1) Glad to be interviewing you! Let’s start with the old interview opener-tell us a little about yourself!

Ah, starting with the difficult questions first ...

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I opened up my PQs and this news came out

skoolmunkee at 3:49AM, Aug. 22, 2009

RedNoseDog tells me that Counterfeit reached 50 pages yesterday! Congrats!

houseofmuses has an announcement too!

Been a great week for me! House of the Muses #2 is now on sale in paperback at Barnes and Noble and!

I've sent out a press release this evening to ...

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Boy have I got a heaving sackful of moist news for you!

skoolmunkee at 4:26AM, Aug. 20, 2009

Another interview is up! I told you, we've got lots of them, and you'll be getting them twice a week while they are still going on. :] Today it's Lilac interviewing Avilo of Animosity Sonata. It's also quite clear that these two had far too much fun ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Spacefighters on Earth

Ozoneocean at 2:56AM, July 23, 2009


Spacefighters on Earth is about a brave bunch of fearless Spacefighters who are, get this: On the Earth! These fearless men and women strive valiantly to protect their 1950's world from that red alien menace. They fight for truth, freedom and the American (and Russian) way, by golly, and ...

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Charity art auction and lots, lots of milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:30AM, July 16, 2009

I've been told that the LGBT Webcomic Charity Auction starts up on July 20th, which is a fundraiser for a good cause (and involves webcomics, so us comic nerds can really get behind it if the LGBT wasn't enough). You want kids to get scholarships, don't you ...

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jgib99 interviews Harkovast (a good read!) and more milestones

skoolmunkee at 5:03AM, July 13, 2009

We have a new interview! This time around, jgib99 interviews the always-interesting harkovast… and here is an excerpt, before you read the whole interview! (Don't forget there are other interviews in the interview forum too!)

7)I noticed that you’re quite active in the forums (DD’s and ...

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skoolmunkee at 11:55PM, July 8, 2009

darkwaterfrey is having a sort of contest (more like a democratic competition?) with his comic Traume von Magpie:

Hello! I'm having a little “contest” with one of my comics, in which the reading audience gets to determine the ending of my story via “Choose ...

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How can you have any news if you don't eat your meat?

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, July 6, 2009

Elanor Pam's Sinful (you know, the one we featured!) turned 100 pages old on Sunday!

theRedDeath's Bad Guy High has reached 400 “official” pages! The comic is about a high school where kids learn to be supervillains…. honestly though I think regular high school is pretty good at ...

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Monday's feature- FLAMINES

skoolmunkee at 3:48AM, July 6, 2009

Flamines takes place in a world of political and religious conflict. At the centre of the mess are 13 towers, build by God to protect mankind while he battles a great evil in Eden. Of course, while God is doing that, mankind is doing a pretty good job of inflicting ...

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Ozoneocean at 10:15PM, July 1, 2009


If the Endstone and the Banestone touch, they will begin the destruction of the world. Whoever possesses the Banestone becomes possessed by it and seeks that objective. Cole Montaigne is following in her father's footsteps, she WILL find the Endstone! Certain stones have power, they're wielded by those ...

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