Mercury Virus Rises to First Twenty Five Page Comic Milestone

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 21, 2023

Photo: “Mercury Virus Chapter 2: Beasts Uncaged page 3”. Story and art created by mercuryviruscomic; Colors by Jerry Lucas. (June 2023)

Mercury Virus was first drawn on pencil and paper twenty five years ago according to the comic’s history recollected by its creator, mercuryviruscomic. Today we are excited that ...

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Crisis Post: Xade needs your help!

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2023

Hey everyone!

This will be the first installment of what I call Crisis Post. Desperate situations, like facing eviction, is becoming a pressing reality for more people - which should come as no surprise in the economic situation we are all facing today - and when that happens you naturally reach out ...

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Gender Toxicity

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 19, 2023

The debate on what constitutes a “strong female character”, whether having “strong female leads” or “feminism” is tanking “woke” films these past few years, is ongoing. There's accusations of toxicity on both sides. Misogyny, misandry, wokeness and brokeness, all of these terms and hot takes are fired and take ...

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A Look at Books

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 17, 2023

I was thinking about the power of books in fiction - like, secret journals, diaries, and such.

In the show Supernatural, the brothers found a lot of information, help, and intrigue in their father's journal of his monster hunting exploits. I will say that it got harder to believe later ...

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Quackcast 648 - Kawaii's Choice

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 15, 2023

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This week's cast was an experiment and if it works out we'll do more! We came up with the idea for discussing a comic live on air, the hard part was choosing it, for that ...

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Character Deep Dive: Grenadine Luncher

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 12, 2023

In this month’s installment of Character Deep Dive, we’re looking at Grenadine Luncher from the comic Ripping Off King Arthur by Arthur Spitzer!

Before I do any dive, I have to say that due to the unique concept and approach of this comic, I had to really think ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 9, 2023

Sam Sanders, known as Virtus when dressed in an interestingly masked costume, protects the city of Sala, Sweden. In a time where art education funding has taken a nosedive, a group of culture warriors set out on a mission—all in the name of culture. Virtus has special abilities, such ...

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Quackcast 647 - characters screwed over by adapters

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 8, 2023

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Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

We're having a chat about characters that differ from the source material and turn out crap because of it. Characters where the people adapting them didn't care, understand, or even take time to read the ...

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Interstellar Battle Girls League of Super Warriors will Reach 200 Pages this Week!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 7, 2023

Photo: “Second Round Fire Raven v. Nariko page 187”. Story and art by bravo1102. (18 July 2023)

We have intercepted an interstellar transmission from Bravo1102 with this exciting message:


If you could see fit to put into the announcements that next Friday Interstellar_Battle_Girls will reach 200 pages. Took awhile ...

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A change in seasons

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 5, 2023

We often talk about breaks in comics when referencing hiatuses. Sometimes they are planned, most often they aren’t. However, as I have been catching up on the backlog of webcomics I had saved up, it occurred to me that many of the long running series I enjoyed reading had ...

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