Quackcast 311 - Myth and modernity

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 21, 2017


Myths and legends are often recycled and reused, but why would you adapt them to the modern day? This idea came to us from Tantz Aerine and her great news posts on the last two Saturdays. Read those if you want a good perspective on the idea! Ptface, Tantz ...

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What's It About?

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 16, 2017

ACT 2 - The Premise

It's about a guy who…

When we try to decide with our friends about seeing a movie, or surf Netflix for something to watch, or try to sell people on a movie/book/story we want them to experience, that's what we have to ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 15, 2017

Rawdale is fast becoming our resident political cartoonist! Hot on he heels of Jesus 2016 comes TRUMPed, a humorous and satirical take on the start of this latest US presidential administration. Love him or hate him, you have to admit that Trump is a pretty ridiculous figure who's pretty ...

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Quackcast 310 - Where to begin

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 14, 2017


Where to start; in the past, present, or future? Will you structure your story in a linear way or do something more complex? This was the topic of Hyena Hell's newspost on Friday and in this Quackcast Pitface, Banes, Tantz, and I discuss and mull over the ideas ...

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Coydog and TheDeeMan Start Crowdfund Campaign to Complete Publication of "Chevalier" Book Series

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 13, 2017

Coydog and TheDeeMan have started an indiegogo campaign to complete publication of our “Chevalier the Queen's Mouseketeer” children's book series. If you remember, “Chevalier” ran here on DD and won the DD award for “best all ages comic” in 2013 and 2014. Here's the link to their ...

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Adapting Myth to Modernity (part 1)

Tantz_Aerine at 5:03AM, Feb. 11, 2017

In a chat where we were discussing our comics, Pit-Face told me that if Bones from Putrid Meat is Odysseus, then Blitzov from Epic of Blitzov is Gilgamesh. And that very solid analogy of the two characters’ function in her stories, got me thinking about how myth of all sorts ...

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Start... Uh... Where?

HyenaHell at 1:02AM, Feb. 10, 2017

Huh. You're still here? I'll be damned.

Well then. Let's just go ahead and pick up where we left off last week, which if I recollect, was the beginning. Or at least, that's where you stepped into my world. Now, how you think about beginnings has ...

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Writing a Scene and the Hobbling of IMDB

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 9, 2017

I was actually asked some writing questions the other day. Who the deuce would ask ME for advice? But I happened to have a little.

Here are some thoughts on writing that smallest unit of a story: the scene (reprise):

First off, what is a scene? What defines it?

It ...

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Quackcast 309 - boring action scenes

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 7, 2017

*Art by Ozoneocean

What makes an action scene boring? Action scenes should be exciting and fun, but often it's just the opposite!
In this Quackcast we discuss the topic of Tantz's newspost from the other day and tackle this hard question.
These were Tantz's conclusions:
- You ...

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Boring Heroes, Fun Villains

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 4, 2017

It’s something so often encountered and/or mentioned in stories (be they comics or novels or film) that it’s becoming in itself a cliché: Heroes aren’t interesting because they’re straight arrows. Villains are fun because they’re the ‘bad boys’, the ones that can do all ...

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