Last Ripping Off King Arthur Strip Posted Today; 300 Page Milestone for Bravo1102’s Interstellar Battle Girls!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 15, 2024

Photo: “#351d Just Wanna Do Epilogues Part Seventeen”. Ripping Off King Arthur by Arspitzer. (June 2024)

Last Ripping Off King Arthur Strip Will Be Posted, Monday, July 15, 2024.

Arspitzer writes:


Just wanted to let you know that the final Ripping Off King Arthur strip will be posted on ...

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Art, Communication, and Comics

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 12, 2024

Comics are one of the most effective forms of art.
The most important part of all art is communication. It's often overlooked in favour of “meaning” but without the ability to effectively communicate that meaning, the meaning becomes meaningless. Concepts and manifestos are utterly inadequate because they usually become ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 10, 2024

Miss Oaktree is burned out from overwork and has been ordered to take a much needed vacation with hotel plus amenities paid in full, courtesy of her boss. Greeted by a blond bellboy, who holds various job titles around the hotel, from concierge to tiki stand bartender to taxi driver ...

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Technology issues XD

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 26, 2024
tags: issues, Technology, XD

Lothar has had to quit his Friday Newsposts so I've had to take over for now.
So my post is tech issues.

I recently experienced some tech issues- Windows 11 messed up my comp because of a faulty update and the computer needed to be reset. This means Windows ...

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Used Books Celebrates its 17th Anniversary; Molly Lusc Reaches Triple Digits; Lothar’s Six-Six-Six Grind

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 26, 2024

Photo: “It's the 17th Anniversary of Used Books!”. By usedbooks.

Usedbooks, creator of Used Books, writes:

Used Books just turned 17 years old. It's almost a legal adult. Lol.

Crazy, right? 

I didn't remember until it appeared on FB memories. So, I drew some really rough sketches ...

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JohnCelestri Announces YouTube Channel; The KAMics Makes 2,150 Milestone

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 19, 2024

Photo: “Doctor John *Original Gangster*” Logo. Created by JohnCelestri.

Here is a message from JohnCelestri, creator of Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel:

Hello! I thought a news item of interest to fellow DDers would be my Youtube channel that I've had for a number of years. ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2023

Zines were in the news recently

What’s a zine you might ask? It’s a small print run, usually small sized, amateur magazine. Often using photocopied pages, hand stapled, and it can be very unpolished in terms of content, but ...

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Horror is Small

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 26, 2023

Horror is Small

I think horror is better and more effective when it's small.

A dark hallway with one person nervously tiptoeing through it…a creepy phone call or knock on the door in the middle of the night…the demented, sinister weirdness of someone's new step parent ...

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So Many Ways to be Scared

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 19, 2023

Horror…and the baddies and creepies and long-legged beasties of horror…come in many flavours.
These divisions might be incomplete or somewhat meaningless in a way, but hey, I have to approach it somehow…

Reality Bites: Human Creeps, Scary Animals and Nature
-Serial Killers, Jason, Michael Myers, The Strangers, And ...

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More Zombies

lothar at 12:00AM, Oct. 13, 2023

Post follows ….

Comic: Fallen Angels
Year:2006 -2013

Comic:Garnath and the Crystal Ball
I was gonna put this comic in here but I realized it had been Featured back in 2007 …. so I put it anyway .

Comic: ZomBen
Author: DangerFace ...

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