Monday feature -> GRAYLING

skoolmunkee at 12:00AM, Sept. 27, 2010

It's not immediately clear what is going on in Grayling, which is all right. We all need a little mystery in our lives, nothing is very interesting when it's just given to you. Apparently the residents of a farming village (who all have the same face) are surprised ...

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24 Hour Comics Day, big fan-art contest, comic casting call, and Used Books in print! (and milestone

skoolmunkee at 1:34PM, Sept. 17, 2010

So Hey, 24 Hour Comics Day is coming up (October 2nd), are you guys doing anything? (If you don't know, that's a day where comic peoples try to make 24 comic pages in 24 hours!) Maybe some of you could get together to at least provide internet-support to ...

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skoolmunkee at 10:46PM, Sept. 5, 2010

The 3rd is the story of Max, a regular soldier in an army which has been dispatched to kill some guys and do army stuff. It's a swords-and-magic fantasy world, but Max is the centre of the story- his experiences, worries, failures and discoveries. There's monsters and big ...

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It's another double news day! Newspost The Part One- Comic News

skoolmunkee at 10:12AM, Sept. 4, 2010

Today, Genejoke's Malefic Tales reaches 75 pages!

Also in the 75 pages milestones ballpark (it's at least 1 or 2 pages over by now because I am slow) is I am by I Am The 1337 Master!

And at the somewhat larger milestone of 700 comics we have ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> The Ignorant Boys' Guide to World Maintenance

skoolmunkee at 12:26AM, Aug. 30, 2010

Just when you think you can't get any lower, something worse happens. That's just how it goes for some people. People like Randal- a homeless, jobless guy who turns to male stripping to get by. It's a living- until he meets an intimidating woman who takes an ...

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Mafia signups! And news about genejokes, squares, bullhonkenators, arachnids, and strawberries

skoolmunkee at 2:43PM, Aug. 27, 2010

MAFIA IS BACK! Signups for the new round end on Monday- so put your left foot in, and prepare to have it regarded suspiciously and possibly murdered! DDer same is running things time ‘round, I think this is a plain ol’ game, so something straightforward for the vets and easy ...

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Monday feature -> THE PRINCESS

skoolmunkee at 1:02AM, Aug. 16, 2010

The Princess is a deceptively simple comic. It's about a little boy who believes he is a girl, wants to dress and act like a girl, and be called Princess Sarah. This is a comic strip so there are a lot of jokes, but the basis of the strip ...

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Midweek news fix

skoolmunkee at 11:51AM, Aug. 11, 2010

Yesterday, genejoke's Malefic Tales reached 50 pages!

It also features art from fellow DD'er JZA963 as the comic is a collaborative effort with scripts and art from myself and scripts from Jabberwockyjones and forthcoming one from Dave7. As well as upcoming stories with art from Asbin, Plaguedoctor ...

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Monday feature -> Orphans!

skoolmunkee at 12:14AM, Aug. 9, 2010

Yago is a magician- a real one- who is putting together a group of people with supernatural abilities. Before the people can be of any use, they have to be found and taught. The comic isn't too far along just yet, but the first story is about Eduardo. Eduardo ...

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Would you like to be on WowioTV?! and your regular fix of milestones etc!

skoolmunkee at 1:38PM, Aug. 7, 2010

You may have noticed the little WowioTV addition to the righthand sidebar- WowioTV is going to become a regular thing, and Wowio wants to make sure there's Drunk Duck content! That means there's an open invitation to you DDers who feel like dabbling in a little broadcasting! Video ...

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