VOTING Ballot Box OPEN!! A Detailed Look at the 2024 Drunk Duck Awards Ballot Categories. VOTE BY JULY 6th!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 17, 2024

Photo: “FYC: Calling In a Favor” by HawkandFloAdventures. (2024)

There is still time to get votes into the ballot box — THREE MORE WEEKS - - to be exact. If you still have the ability to vote, but have not clicked the ballot link posted last week, then here is a more in ...

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Where we Start

Banes at 12:00AM, June 13, 2024

I've started a few webcomics at this point, and all of them are ongoing…well, at least in theory.

There's always the question of where to start. What's page one gonna be?

With my first comic, Typical Strange, I LABORED over that decision for years.

Kind of ...

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Quackcast 691 - Thirst Trap

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 11, 2024

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Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

Thirst trap is the topic of today's Quackcast! What is a thirst trap? It's basically someone presenting themselves as very sexy in order to get attention for some sort of reason, rather than just happening ...

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Panel By Panel: Workshop Week - 'Ripping Off King Arthur'

hpkomic at 9:18AM, June 7, 2024

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. As we established last time, this week we'll be going over the community feedback on a webcomic page provided by a volunteer. I'll also share my thoughts as well.

As for ...

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Forced Together

Banes at 12:00AM, June 6, 2024

A tried and true story trope is the “forced together”.

I think it was the director Sidney Lumet who said that he really enjoyed the tension that came from
this kind of situation. Taking two people who would never choose to be together are stuck in
a bad situation. It ...

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Making Amends

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 1, 2024

So your villain has just made a heel-face turn and is now one of the good guys. Yay!

…not so fast!

The moment where an antagonist turns on their own side and joins that of the protagonists is extremely powerful. But unless it is part of the overall story's ...

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Becoming the Beast

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 25, 2024

Humans can be scary, fascinating, mysterious creatures. Humanity is capable of the most amazing feats of compassion and the most debased acts of cruelty. And not necessarily at opposing ends of the spectrum. The same person can be compassionate in one context and appallingly cruel in another. They may not ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, May 23, 2024

One story structure, that ozoneocean and I talked about many years ago on the Quackcast, was the Lone Protagonist as drifter.

In Pulp Fiction, Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) says talks about leaving the life of crime to walk the Earth. “Like Kane in Kung Fu. Help people, get in adventures ...

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Color coding

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 18, 2024

Colour is amazingly powerful to humans, despite the fact we see so little of its spectrum. The impact of colour on our daily lives is tremendous but unfortunately not very well researched. What we do know from research is that it can affect one's mental, emotional and even physical ...

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Panel By Panel: Workshop Week - 'The KAMics' II

hpkomic at 11:02AM, May 17, 2024

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. As we established last time, this week we'll be going over the community feedback on a webcomic page provided by a volunteer. I'll also share my thoughts as well.

Our first ...

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