WHY you should STOP CARING.

damehelsing at 12:00AM, June 6, 2021

What is one of the big things that holds us back? Normally it’s us caring too much, caring about what we do, how we look, what others think and more.

Last week, while writing the article The Magic of Frames I was talking to PIT_FACE about it and she ...

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Junji Ito and the art of unease

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 7, 2020

A core principle of the works of horror mangaka Junji Ito, is the mundane and everyday only backwards. This concept is perfect for short stories as there is no need, or time, to explore lengthy explanations for the uncanny. Events are as they appear which renders them all the more ...

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Sticking the Landing

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 14, 2019

As it has been seen very painfully lately in TV, the best story, with the most excellent buildup and most powerful cast of characters will just collapse if the ending isn't good enough.

A technically happy ending that isn't good enough is not going to cut it- again ...

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Quackcast 350 - Scripting

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 28, 2017

- Cover image by Ariel ZB for the next instalment of Lords Of The Video Wasteland

In this Quackcast we're talking about writing scripts! But not just scripts in general, this Quackcast is about turning your webcomic into a script. As the creator of a webcomic, a story, what ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Obsession eternel

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 22, 2017

In the ninety-ninth year of the fifth age, a chain of events changed the world forever. An immortal emperor is at the center of a planned attack and the group behind it maybe close to him. After a plan to hurt the lord is thwarted due to his unclean blood ...

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At the End of the Day, We All Revert to Our Seventh Grade Selves

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 22, 2017

Before I begin, I must preface that this news article is brought to you by the workings of a large iced dark roast coffee (black) and a large unsweetened iced green tea. This magical concoction of caffeine has offered a rush of thoughts and clarity to the regular thoughts that ...

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The Webcomic Artist Manifesto

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 26, 2016

(From the desk of kawaiidaigakusei)

Here is a little treat to celebrate the first week of Autumn. I wrote this version of “The Webcomic Artist Manifesto” in the Fall quarter for an art history class on Dada. A Manifesto is a public declaration used to incite or inspire a group ...

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How a "Starving Artist" Mentality has Helped Me Dodge the Money-Centric Bandwagon

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 27, 2016

-Art by Edvard Munch (cover for Hunger by Knut Hamsun)

It is a common phrase that has been repeated time and time again: “(The love of) money is the root of all evil”. At least for me, it was one of the few words to live by that my Latin ...

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Quackcast 236 - The Songcast/Drunkcast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 15, 2015


Pitface, Banes, Tantz Aerine and Ozoneocean reunited for a repeat of the legendary Drunkcast of Quackcast 137! Almost exactly 100 Quackcasts later we hit the booze again, but this time we had a goal to pursue with our drunken ramblings: music. We decided to talk about what themes inspire ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Adventures Of Ty

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 4, 2015

The Adventures of Ty stars a tiny Tyrannosaurus Rex tyke with an unquenched thirst for curiosity and an obsession with meat products. Ty lives among his human parents (who he refers to as “Mom” and “Dad”) and is always dressing up in different costumes and acting out his own imaginary ...

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