Featured comic -> Blackened Rags

skoolmunkee at 12:10AM, March 27, 2013

This abstract comic by Skreem makes no sense that I can figure. That doesn't mean it's not great, though. Featuring a small cast of uniquely disturbing characters, each page is slightly unsettling (and even vaguely obscene). Claypoole's lack of respect for polite society is entertaining, the Late ...

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Thank the Gods it's Freyjaday!!!!!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 22, 2013

Hello my peoples!
So I've been naughty about the Thorsday posts… I was ill last Thursday and gave this to Skool to post on last Friday, but there was a misunderstanding and she thought I was going to post it… and I couldn't very well post this on ...

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No shennanigans from me today, just DD Awards, contests, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:04AM, March 18, 2013

I've got a bunch of things to pass on to you today, comics to check out and so forth, so I thought I'd let you get on with it!

Niccea, who once again is taking the reins of the annual DD Awards, has a message!

“We are really ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Runnin With a Gun

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 13, 2013

The story is about a woman sniper. The way she found herself in that occupation came from a traumatic childhood and a good for nothing father. She is conflicted at one moment on the job because she lets her feelings get in the way of her work and misses a ...

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Today in my newspost I'm gonna talk about life drawing!

skoolmunkee at 12:02AM, March 11, 2013

OK so one thing that people who ask for art advice always get told to do is “take a life drawing class.” The way people make it sound, it's like it's supposed to change your whole drawing world, make you amazing at anatomy, and maybe even you'll ...

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Milestones and sandwiches! (No milestone sandwiches though)

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, March 8, 2013

Sorry these milepost announcements are a little bit late! I have problems with change and I was confused by the new newspost schedule. :]

Byth1's comic The Legends has just hit 100 pages! Keep up the good work! :] Here's it's description! Updated on fridays! New Carolina, the home ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Clockwork Atrium

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 6, 2013

Poor stupid, under-performing Dietrich, attending the prestigious University Riedstadt, he's going to have to do something extra special if he's to continue there. Chess is normally a non-contact sport played through inanimate pieces, not in this place. With students representing the pieces, Dietrich is about to learn for ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 115 - A New Order

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 5, 2013


Skool has temporarily reformed from her evil ways to come onto the Quackcast with Banes and Ozoneocean to talk about some changes to the newsposting and feature schedule.
*Wednesday features - With slightly less traffic to the site we think it’s better to give one feature an entire ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 114 - Behind the Bill

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 26, 2013


In this special behind the scenes version of the Quackcast we take a look at the men behind the microphones, their struggles and triumphs as they work tirelessly week after week to put out Quackcasts- We cover the early days, the rising tensions between our two mega-popular superstars ...

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Many milestones, and a change to the Features schedule!

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Feb. 25, 2013

Did you know that Saturday marks the sixth anniversary of Used Books??? Now you do! Also, now you know that the entire comic up to the most recently completed chapter are available in print at IndyPlanet! Woop woop

This week, Hyperactive Comics sees its 425th page!

stubblemonkey's Tales of ...

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