kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 25, 2016

Imagine a city inhabited by squirrels. No, not the ordinary squirrels that you would find in an ordinary city. This is a city where squirrels wear hats, wear glasses, smoke cigarettes, play with puppets, and even attend University.

Delia is an educated squirrel lady who has yet to find the ...

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Join the Drunk Duck Awards FYC Comic Jam!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 25, 2016


I decided that for this year we will try out doing a comic jam for the For Your Consideration (FYC) pages.

"A comicjam is a creative process where one or more artists collaborates on drawing or painting one single comic. Often the process is that one ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, March 3, 2016

I'm not sure where I first heard of Li'l Abner. Maybe some bits and pieces in a Comic Review Magazine or something.

The Shmoo was a character on the old Flintstones cartoons I used to watch, and Lena Hyena had shown up on the movie Who Framed Roger ...

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Black History Month spotlight: The first black superheroine

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 26, 2016

In 1971, five years after in creation of Black Panther and four years before Marvel introduced Storm, the first black female superhero appeared in Hell-Rider #1.

A trained fighter, Butterfly’s super cool costume included a jetpack, suction cups for climbing, and lights that were capable of permanently blinding her ...

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Modern Heroes: Only in West Hollywood

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 9, 2015

After spending three hours reading Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman in a public library on Friday afternoon, I ran into the most marvelous sculpture on display while taking a stroll through West Hollywood Park. The shiny, white sculpture was based on two popular and beloved comic book superheroes, Batman and ...

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Do You See the Kind of Shape I'm In?

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 24, 2015

I've never consciously designed characters this way, but I recently remembered hearing about this notion some time ago, on the dvd special features for an animated something-or-other.
Characters derived from basic shapes can give a very strong impression of their basic personality type. This can help the ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 17, 2015

A friend of mine, many years ago, showed me a cartoon that was fascinating, funny, and horrifying. In my memory, it was the first anime I'd ever seen. I'd forgotten most of it over the years, and would try to find it once every so often, without knowing ...

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May Historical Fashion Contest WINNERS

HippieVan at 12:00AM, June 5, 2015

As you know, I was overseeing May's DD Fashion Show Contest and chose a historical theme for contestants. After a long period of deliberation, the judges (okay, it's just me) have selected our winners!

BEST HISTORICAL OUTFIT DESIGN - bravo1102's “Russian Tank Lieutenant 1945”

I had a feeling ...

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Transforming Conceptual Art into a Plush Doll

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 1, 2015

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled on the website of Alex Furmansky, the creator of Budsies. He is an entrepreneur whose business is centered around transforming “kid” art into real tangible plush animal dolls. It is pretty awesome:

Furmansky was raised from very humble beginnings and would take the ...

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Quackcast 220 - the Process of Creation

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 26, 2015


Image by Ozoneocean

Hello from Belgrade in Serbia! This Quackcast was recorded 3 weeks ago and I am currently in Europe, though I'm still writing this from Perth Western Australia 3 weeks in the past… So in this particular Quackcast you get to hear ME Ozoneocean, Banes ...

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