Things That Go DUCK in the Night

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 8, 2015

Horror…and the baddies and creepies and long-legged beasties of horror…come in many flavours.
These divisions might be incomplete or somewhat meaningless in a way, but hey, I have to approach it somehow…

Reality Bites: Human Creeps, Scary Animals and Nature
-Serial Killers, Jason, Michael Myers, The Strangers, And ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Cogs and Claws

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 19, 2015

Cogs and Claws is a surreal odyssey for your imagination.

In the opening sequence, a giant flounder emerges from an underwater pod and boards a space shuttle submerged in water. Soon thereafter, the shuttle is blasted into space where it joins several other spacecrafts driven by various anthropomorphic creatures.

This ...

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Quackcast 232 - Creating a Rounded World

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 18, 2015


Hello, hello, hello! This is the second part of our hugely long expose on the tricky art of WORLD BUILDING! And it really IS extra loooooooooooog… that's because we take so much time crafting the Quackcast world for you. To recap: world-building is a big part of ALL ...

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Quackcast 231 - The importance of world building

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 11, 2015


You always do a bit of world building in fiction, in some types of stories like alternative histories, fantasy and Sci-Fi you have to do a bit more, in things set in the real world you don't have to do nearly as much - maybe only limited to a ...

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Character Profile: JUGHEAD.

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 6, 2015

I'm not sure who the first fictional character was that I became attached to. The Cat in the Hat? Superman? Jason Voorhees, maybe?

In any case, Jughead Jones was somewhere in that early group of beloved characters. I liked Archie, and envied his dating life with Betty and Veronica ...

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QUACKCAST 213 - What makes a good character? Part one

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 7, 2015


Image by Ozoneocean

After several interesting discussions about Mary Sues, we'd like to talk about characters a little more.
We asked people to let us know their thoughts on what makes a well written character VS a poorly written one. People talked about their favourite and least ...

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When There Are Not Enough Hours in a Day...

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 23, 2015

-Art by Gunwallace

I discovered a sketchbook sitting to the left of the counter during my last visit to my favourite tea lounge. The words “Before I Die…” were scrawled across the black cover, so curiosity got the best of me and I thumbed through the pages. Each page had ...

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QUACKCAST 209 - lurv triangles

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 10, 2015


Image by Gunwallace

Around about Valentine's day, HippieVan's mind turned to thoughts of love… and she conceived of a great newspost idea that was very popular with people! Love triangles are very good for generating drama in your writing without having to worry too much about ...

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Celebrating Black History Month - The First Black Superhero

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 27, 2015

In 1966, in the midst of the American Civil Rights Movement, Marvel Comics introduced the first black superhero - Black Panther.

Black Panther, real name T'Challa, was the King of vibranium-rich Wakanda, a fictional African country (the first African-American superhero would be Marvel's Falcon). A special herb and his ...

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Love Triangles

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 13, 2015

I hope that all you lovely DDers are celebrating this Valentine's Day in happy, stable relationships - or happy, stable singledom! As for me, I love a good (fictional) love triangle. What's the point of a love story if it's not unnecessarily complicated, right? Here are some of ...

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